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Livvys POV:

prom was in a week, I'm so excited! I've got my dress and everything, i can't wait. The problem is, Kai is going with his best friends. I have NO ONE to go with, Maddie is going with Niomi and Robert is going with Kai and Jack. In my opinion, Kai going with his friends is stupid:// Jack and Rob could of gone together yk cause theyre fucking gay. unless i'm just jealous. It seems like it, but generally if i have no one to go with, I bought that dress for absolutely nothing. What do I tell my friends? I can't disappoint them.

I get myself together and put on my dress, it was 3 hours before prom so i had plenty of time to get ready, I wanted to look PERFECT for Kai so he could see that he doesnt need some stupid friends to take him out. I put on makeup, Curled my hair and painted my nails pastel pink to match my dress , I almost couldn't recognise myself. I jumped into the car and stopped by near the gate to the school so i could meet up with Niomi + Maddie. 'Bye Scott, See you at 8.' I got out the car and greeted my best friends. 'Hey! You both look awesome.' 'You do too mank, who you tryna impress huhh?' I blush and look away quickly not wanted to be outed. 'Niomi boy who you tryna impress?' Maddie says with a laugh. I giggle, noticing Kai,Robert and Jack coming out of Roberts parents car. Kai, he looked amazing, i was flabbergasted.. 'livvy boy what you up to now' Niomi says with a confused expression. She looks Kais way, 'you tryna impress Kai or wha?' 'shut up manky' I walk-run into the hall where I see these galaxy looking lights with a HUGE sign saying '____ ____ School Prom'. It was my first time going to a proper prom, I was nervous since i had no one to go with, i felt like an idiot. what if i act stupid in front of Kai? Its been atleast an hour since prom first started, I've just been acting like im enjoying myself when im really not. I really wish i could of gone to prom with Kai but to be honest i probably would of been really awkward around him anyways. 'Hey, Liv you okay?' I turn my head towards where i heard the sound 'oh, kai. yeah im fine' i give a awkward laugh to him. 'you sure? you seem really off today.' 'im mighty fine font worry about me.'really? okay.. well if you need to talk ill be over there with Robert and Jack.' He points to the corner near the bleachers. 'okay. I will, thanks.' I look down as he walks away, trying to keep my tears from flowing. I wish he knew how I felt, things wouldn't have to be so difficult.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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