The Princess's Grief

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Lucia prepares dinner while her daughter Marie Antoinette plays in front of the TV. The rampant kidnapping in their town was full of news on television. Syndicates selling children's entrails on the black market. Lucia was about to turn off the TV when her husband Hernan arrived. 

 "Lock the door right now and it's hard these days," he said to his wife. 

 "Yes. I'll just turn off the stove and finish cooking my pochero, which is your favorite." 

 "Thanks, dear. No wonder how delicious that."

 "Of course." 

 "Where is my princess?"

 "Papa candy?" 

 "Oh, no my princess it will ruin your appetite."


 "I'll give it to you, but first, let's eat dinner, okay?" 


 "Go ahead and take your seat, I'll just close the gate"


They were surprised by the gate slamming loudly. When Hernan stepped outside, he observed masked, armed men enter their courtyard. He suddenly entered the house and hid his wife and daughter in the bedroom. He took a baseball bat for protection. He knows he is not against them but he will do everything to take care of his family. They can't shout for help for they have a large area. The distance between the households in their area is also far. 

 "God help us."

 One of the men was peering through the window. The other is trying to slam the door. One man was watching the surroundings while the other was waiting for the door to be opened.

Hernán struck one of the armed men with a baseball bat as soon as he opened the door. 

 "You son of the B!tch.. You surprised me." 

At that time, a man with a gun hit him in the face. He almost fainted. But he forced himself to get up.

 "Please I'm begging you. I have money and jewelry, just don't hurt us." 


"SHUT UP!!!! " 

And he was given one hit after another with a gun. They continue hitting him in everyway. He almost lost consciousness from the pain. One of his eyes is closed. But he can see how they drags his wife out of the room and carries his child, calling both of them constantly.

"Dad!!! Mom!!"

Moreover, he witnessed how they stripped his wife and attacked her sexually in his presence. While the daughter who continues calling and crying has a gun pointed on her head. Nothing could be done by him. He had an unfathomable weakness. But he secretly wished to engage in combat . He used every ounce of power he had left to seize the rifle that was pointed at him. Took the advantage to shot anyone in the room. 

A loud explosion reverberated across the atmosphere. Holding his child, the man collapsed to the ground. Thankfully, his daughter was not struck. He shot one of them as a result of a struggle he had with the man guarding him.

Three rounds were fired after the first one. The next to lose his vision and take a bath in his own blood was Hernan. He could only see his wife struggling when he closed his eyes. And up until the moment of his death, just her wail could be heard. 

"Lucia, I'm sorry that neither my child nor I were able to stand up for you."

"You are disgusting animals!"

 As they proceeded to raping her, Lucia murmured. Marie Antoinette walked over to her father, who was laying on the ground, while still sobbing. She made an effort to awaken her dad.

She had nothing to go on, everything was like a dream. She was hoarse from being thirsty and calling her father. Various noises could be heard in the four corners of that house, which seemed to have no end. The pictures on the wall bear silent witness to heinous scenarios you never thought would happen.

When they finished enjoying Lucia's body, a man said "We need to kill that too. For no evidence." 

When Lucia heard this, the first thing that came to her mind was her daughter. 

"What should I do?" 

She forced herself to crawl towards her child. Little by little she called, "Come quickly, go to mommy...."

She was about to reach her daughter when the gunshot rang out again. A blow to her mother's head startled Marie Antoinette.

A hot splash of blood touched her face. She was staring at her mother who was bleeding from her head and looking at her. She knew that her mother and father were not alive anymore. She could hear the men  talking. But she didn't understand. She has no idea. She felt great fear. She couldn't cry. She was shocked by the events, not because She was hoarse. Having conflicted feelings, a man picked her up.

"Let's kill this child too."

"No we are not. We make a lot of money with that."

"We can sell that or the contents inside. We will earn a lot from that girl. Another thing is that no one will search there so we are safe."

And as agreed, they took Marie Antoinette. As they walked away from her house, nothing came to her mind. Blank, dark, chaotic. At a young age it hurts to see your parents bathed in their own blood.

Seeing your parents covered in their own blood hurts. She turned to look at her hands. There are traces of her father's blood here. Her face was even covered in her mother's blood. Tears began to trickle down as they was driving away from that location in the car. The chest felt so heavy. She wanted to scream, but for some reason, nothing came out. She was unable to articulate her emotions. A heavy heart she felt for the first time.

And she will never see her parents again, she knows in the back of her young mind. Besides, she also knows that everything will not be the same as before. And she is well aware what is her destination.


The first time she tasted hell.

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