Chapter 1

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This chapter is like really short and some things don't make sense. Keep in mind English is my second language. Enjoy. If you don't like it just switch to a story of someone else.

Y/N was sitting in the class, listening to his class teacher's speeches about bad behavior again as every week, it was becoming a very expected thing to happen. Most of the time he wasn't the one involved in any kind of trouble but still had to be present while the teacher was "punishing" the responsible kids for the trouble. There were times where he would be the guilty one but that was rare since he was aware he wouldn't be able to slide out of the punishment awaiting for him at home.

This speech was as boring as usual, the same repetitive things were being said. He was just resting with his head on his hand formed into a fist. There were many other way more important things flying around his head at that time, or he liked to call them that when in reality it was just random stuff about scenarios impossible to happen such as what would he do if aliens suddenly made the choice of attacking the planet earth.

Then all of the sudden he came back to focusing on the real stuff going on and noticed a loud knock coming from the outside of the door. The teacher's face turned from a mad one to a joyful one and with a pretending everything had been going well before the knock she spoke up: "You may come in."

The door opened and two people stepped inside of the classroom. A girl and a boy were now standing in front of the board. The girl was about to sit down but her seemingly brother pulled her away gently, signaling she should remain at the place. She quickly looked at him and nodded. She was really pretty. She had a long curly brown hair suiting to her hazel eyes. She was wearing a plain white shirt with a red flannel over it. Her legs were covered by basic, a bit oversized for her, blue jeans and her face was pure beauty. She seemed nervous about the whole situation going on. Her brother was there to comfort her, he kept checking on her. His hair was very different compared to hers, it was short and the cut looked as if the barber that had done it to him had been attempting to create something similiar to a bowl upside down. He, too, had browish eyes and didn't look the happiest either.

The teacher cleared her throat and pointed at the two teens with both of her hands. "I forgot to tell you, these are our new students coming from far away, from Hawkins in Indiana. I hope they'll get welcomed with open arms by you." She looked over at the two of them. The girl slowly waved at the class unsurely, none of the people located in the class returned the wave. She stared down dissapointedly. "This is Jane," she pointed at the girl and then moved closer to the boy, "and this is William." She was gazing around the classroom and saw the people there with no intention of interacting with the new students whatsoever. "So, you may now sit down and will later get an introduction of the school, hopefully by some nice student of ours."

They picked seats right next to each other that were at the middle, Jane's desk was in front of Y/N's but he didn't really mind it.

During the period he couldn't help but overhear some people whispering about nothing else but the new students. Angela, a very attractive, taller, blonde woman giggled multiple times facing directly the back of Jane's neck.

"I'll try to go and talk to that girl, I just know she's one of those weirdos, I may even find a way of how to embrass her, i haven't done anything to gain more popularity or respect in a long time."

Y/N was staring at Jane, he was feeling sorry for her and how she was about to end up on her first day but what could he do? Defend her? Yeah, in his dreams. He hadn't got the opportunity to even talk to her and plus people were already spreading rumours about him for only not being really sociable.

The lesson ended and he was finally free of school. He headed towards his locker and unlocked it, prepared to only take out his stuff and go home, as always. He was already planning his whole journey of watching movies alone on his bed when all of the sudden he saw the new students approaching the lockers right below his one. But he couldn't get bothered by such things. He closed his locker after taking out what he needed. He directed his way towards the exit then remembered what Angela had said, he couldn't get bothered by this now. He made a few steps to the front but then backed away and scratched his nose. He turned around, not knowing whether it was a good idea. Jane was trying to figure out how to unlock the locker with help of her brother who was failing with putting her code in too.

"Hey, Jane and William, right?" he asked and both of their heads turned to him. Jane nodded. "I heard you're new here... from Indiana apparently." He had ran out of sentences to say.
Jane stood up and raised her hand into the front of him. Y/N had a confused facial expression on him but accepted the shake. She seemed pleased with herself. "Y/N," he introduced himself.

Then he noticed that William was still struggling with opening Jane's locker for some reason. It was weird considering it wasn't some challenging process to unlock it. Y/N sighted and knelt next to William to help him out. He took a code written on a paper William was holding and put the combinations of numbers there. After a while it resulted into not opening. Y/N was staring at it. Then he turned to another locker which was located right below his. He was now putting the code there while Jane and William were standing there. After some turns, he managed to open the locker. "The codes to each locker are switched," he informed them and Jane started nodding again.

"Thank you," said William, giving him a little smile. Y/N handed him the paper with the codes.

He was about to leave, but to his surprise, Angela was leaning against the nearest wall, waiting for Y/N to disappear. He remembered why he had approached their lockers in the first place but kept on walking. Angela's eyes were now stuck at Jane and William. He passed by her and opened the door leading to the outside part of the school but now was motionless. Should I do something? He asked himself. He had to turn around and so he did. By before he entered the building again he hesitated.

He sped up so he could get to them faster than Angela who was now really close. He managed to get past her and tapped Jane on the right shoulder. Jane turned really quickly together with William.

"Um, hey, you know the girl Angela? The one that's right behind me?" Y/N asked.

"Yes, she's pretty," said Jane.

"Yeah, well if you had known her for longer you would have been aware she's not as pretty on the inside." Both Jane and William were staring at him in confusion. "Basically, she wants to use you," he eyed Jane.

"Why? Is she a bad person?" asked Jane.

"Yeah, she's is and she has no good intentions with you, so for your sake you should avoid her."

"What does she want to do?"

"Well, she's just looking for how to embarrass you two, mainly you since you're a girl."


"Okay, thank you for the warning but we have to go," said William in a rush. He took Jane by her arm and was dragging her to wards the exit. Jane turned one last time to him and waved.

"See you." Y/N smiled but didn't wave back but it seemed enough for Jane.
Angela on the other hand had returned to leaing the wall with her back, throwing disgusted looks at Y/N. He simply ignored her and went home.


Y/N arrived home and saw, naturally, cans of beer laying around the dinner table and even on the floor. Two bottles of a vine could be seen at at a couch, a third one was held by his sleeping father. His mother was reading a newspaper, deeply into it and ignoring his entire existence. Y/N sighted and ran u the stairs and threw his back into a corner of his room.

Kinda weird end of the chapter but I had no idea what else to put here, if you liked the chapter let me know if you didn't then idk let me know too.

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