Chapter 2

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Y/N woke up to a sound of his mother yelling at him from downstairs. It was still the same day but he had fallen asleep because there was nothing else for him to do. He slowly turned to face the door leading to the hallway. He was blinking and got up tiredly. He opened the door and headed downstairs where his mother was waiting for him with crossed arms. What did I do now? He asked himself.

"We need you to leave the house just for a couple of hours," his mother let out.


"What do you mean "why"? You haven't been outside for like a week, it should be automatic for you to go and hang out with your friends without having to be reminded to. It bothers me how much you don't have in common with us. At your age I would be outside partying."

"I'm fifteen," Y/N reminded her.

"Yeah, exactly! You should try something new other than being antisocial." Y/N rolled his eyes and went outside. He pulled out his skateboard and started riding it around the street they lived at. He attempted making some jumps and tricks too but majority of them didn't work out so well.

It was exactly 5 p.m and the weather was beginning to cool down but it was still really hot there. Sweat was running down his forehead a bit but he stil didn't return home.

His destination now was the street's playground although he was too old to play there. He was planning on only enjoying the view at stars from there at the evening or just watch kids play around, argue over little things, fight, eat sand etc.

He passed by many familiar houses of his past-friends. The reason they weren't talking anymore was because Y/N had switched schools five years before and they had not been in a big contact ever since. Their relationship then wasn't the best so he didn't really miss them, however it was a pleasure to have at least someone care about you or have the urge to hang out with you.

Almost all the houses looked the same, excluding for the gardens or some decorations hanged around their windows. He was so concetred on its looks tha the forgot to pay attention to his skate. A stone appeared out of nowhere and unfortunately for him, made him lose control of his skateboard and trip, banging his knuckles of the left hand on the tough road.


He got up with his ass hurting but it was still takeable. The fall hadn't caused him to suffer any injuries expect for the one on his knuckles which were bleeding. It wasn't serious though, he didn't need to worry about it due to the fact it would stop in few minutes and he'd forget about the whole incident easily.

He continued on skating and suddenly he saw a house. There was nothing genuinely weird about the house, it was the people on its yard. A girl was helping her mother hang laundry with a huge small and giggles. The girl was very recognisable to him and it was no one else but Janr herself. She and her mother didn't look alike at all. The only facial feature similar to the other's was their long brown hair and brown eyes.

Jane obviously noticed him skating around since she stopped with doing her task. Her eyes seemed to be zooming in on him but in the real life. Then her smile returned and she mad the decision of waving at him once again. This time Y/N waved back out of politeness. Her mother was staring at him too and quickly turned to Jane. They were discussing something that his ears were unable to hear.

They finished the conversation and Jane walked down their yard towards Y/N. Y/N was surprised and quit what he had been doing. She was wearing the same clothes as in the school but he couldn't be annoyed by it.

"Hi," said Jane, rather unconfidently for some particular reason, not with the joyful tone she had used in school.

"Um, hey." She was now scanning his skateboard held by his right hand. He put it into the air so she could see the whole skate. The slate's design wasn't anything unusual or expensively looking. It was a black skateboard with four light blue stripes.

"My friend skates," she spoke up, a soft smile on her face. "It's her hobby."

"Uh... cool?" Y/N replied unsure how to form a sentence suitable to hers. "You mean like your friend from Hawkins?"

She nodded. "I miss her..." she looked down sadly.

"Well... she sounds really... well? You know..."

"Could you teach me how to skateboard?" She let out suddenly.

"I... it requires a lot more time if you have never been on one... I mean it's not challenging but..." Y/N had nothing else to say so he lowkey changed the topic. "You know there's a place where you can go on roller skates without owning ones, you buy them at the place. It may not be the same as on a skate board but it can come out to be fun..."

"I would like to go there, it sounds fun. Roller skating is like when you have little wheels on the bottom of your shoes, right?"

Y/N was shocked Jane had even asked him such a question with a very clear answer but chose not to comment on it. "Yes, it is. We can like go out sometimes for roller skating... you can invite your brother if you want to of course."

"What about tomorrow? At four?"

"Yeah? Maybe, we can clarify the date and time at school if anything..." Y/N started backing away and before leaving waved at her. He didn't believe he had just made up a plan with a girl.

This chapter is bad, I know but idc.

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