Chapter 5

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Y/N stood up from the bench after successfully managing to tie his roller-skates. Jane on the other hand was struggling with standing up without falling back. Y/N offered her a hand which she immediately accepted. She got up easily but almost fell forward while trying to do so.

"You fine?" She nodded to his question, still holding his hand tightly. "It's hard at first but when you learn how to hold balance it won't be that scary."

They went into the skating area that was lit up by a huge disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Another light source, although brightening up the room only a little bit, was a big purple title of the name of the place (Rink-O-Mania).

People were already skating there, some beginners choosing to rather go slower, others going as fast as possible required to have the ability to dodge others, others by a normal speed, enjoying their moments. Some were talking, others just concentrating on skating. But all of them looked like they had been skating for some time and didn't need anyone to guard them so they wouldn't fall, unlike Jane. But she didn't find a problem in it neither did Y/N.

"Can I try it by myself?" Asked Jane. Y/N nodded to that and let her go. She had her arms wide open due to keeping her balance. Y/N could see the image of her heart pounding. She took one last breath and put one leg in front the other and repeated. Her skill wasn't the best but it was something for a beginner. She put her arms down so the people passing by wouldn't crash because of her. Y/N seemed impressed. As he was about to express his pride, Jane tripped over nothing and started falling backwards. Y/N was too distant to catch har so she fell. He skated towards her to be her support while standing up.

"Jane, are you okay?" Jane nodded and started laughing to herself for some particular reason. "Ehm, okay," he smiled at her.

"That was funny," she said.

"Should I hold your hand now or... you can like learn it yourself or-" he got cut off by Jane who took his hand in response. "Alright then." He showed her the exact way of how to put her legs in order to actually skate and not fall. She seemed like she was enjoying being lectured by Y/N. She kept looking at his legs to create the same position he was in.

After a while she managed to finally skate like him. Y/N got to the front of her, skating backwards, still remaining with holding hands. Y/N raised his and her hand upwards and spinned her around, making her nearly lose the balance she had had. She was wearing a surprised facial expression followed by a smile.

"That was fun," she replied. He was afraid her reaction would end up being mad. He had been taught dance moves by his mother, expecting he'd use in the real life with a girl. He had told her it was pointless but know discovered it wasn't so useless after all. "Could you do it again?" She asked.

"Yeah," he repeated the same thing as before but three times more. Jane was giggling now. "I think you're prepared to skate by yourself," he announced. Jane threw him a questioning look but nodded afterwards. Their hands got separated. Jane was insecure at first but gained confidence by looking directly at Y/N. Her skating was now the same as with Y/N by her side. A huge smile was conjured on her face.

After a while both of them were skating side by side, even racing a little.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Y/N asked after a half an hour of skating. She nodded to it. "What do you want to drink? They have milkshakes, I think."

"I'd like a strawberry one," Jane told him.

"Okay," he said, on his way to leave. She kept on skating though with a happy expression.

He went to get the milkshakes and while they were being done he took a look around the place. Suddenly a recongnisble face stepped into his view. He had Will on his sight. He had a pretty neutral face but Y/N could tell he was there not to enjoy the fun the place could bring.

"Here you go," said the lady that was making the drinks. Y/N took them and headed towards Jane. He sped up to get to her faster and passed by Will. Not to make it awkward and seem ignorant, he stopped in front of him.

"Hey," Y/N offered him a milkshake by pulling it a bit to his side. In the reality, Y/N's intentions weren't to lose the milkshake out of his hands but to make a good impression on Will which was a challenge set on an extreme difficulty. Will signalled with a wave of his hand his refusal of the drink. Y/N was truly glad for that.

"Where is Jane?" He asked curiously.

"Skating?" Will sighted in disbelief. "You let her roller-skate by herself? Do you have an idea of how dangerous it is?" Will wa overacting at this point.

"Chill out, it's not that serious. I taught her how to skate."

"Well, that is surely a relief," said Will sarcastically. Y/N got slightly offended by his tone. Will was walking towards Jane.

"Excuse me?" Y/N ran up to him to reach him before he could enter the spot where all the peope were skating. "You are-" he got cut off by Jane's soft voice.

"Will? What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up, it's late," be pointed at his watch, raising his arm on the air.

"But Joyce said I can be here until nine," Jane was confused.

"Yeah, but I think you've had enough, you can... try it again later," there was pain in his voice with saying the last few words. Y/N couldn't help but notice.

"Has your mother sent you? Or is it urgent?" Y/N questioned.

"And why do YOU care?" Will turned to him.

"Me and Y/N wanted to get a milkshake and I'd like to finish it before leaving, he stood there just to get it for me." Jane pointed with her chin at a line standing in order to get a milkshake.

"Don't take too long," Will told her.


Um, yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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