Chapter 4: "The O5 council is a big fat b!tch!"

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Tw: Curse warning

Word count: 1135


O5-13 was behind me looking at me. "Everything is ok ma'am." She sighed, mumbling under her breath. "Good.. I'm glad they didn't hurt you." I didn't reply.

I was processing what I saw. A NTF member with a censor bar on their face smiling as being beaten to death. Love was broken in this job. What was happening?

"Dr. L/n do you have your files on your SCP yet?" I nod. "Yes ma'am but it's in my office." "Alright.. Let me know if you need help with anything ok? Oh and be careful." "Same to you ma'am.. Good day."

Wonder where I should go? I walked through the halls seeing rooms and rooms of SCP's, training, some bathrooms, testing rooms, medical rooms, and more. I can assume the one I was in earlier was the main training room. Judging how big and how many people were there.

There weren't many break rooms. Which didn't surprise me.

I walked into one of the break rooms seeing if there was anything different with this one.

This one looked different though. Kinda like a bar or a club. It looks weird.. I never thought I would see a bar/club in a SCP foundation. There were a lot of Mobile task forces at the booths. It seems like they were trying to drink their pain away.

A bartender waved at me signaling me to come over. "Hey there. Never seen you around here. What brings you here?" "I was just taking a walk. And yeah.. I'm new here." "Oh! My apologies usually most of these guys here worked for more than a week or even a year. I'm Richard. The girl beside me is Cindy." Cindy smiled, waving at me. "Nice to meet you.. Uh.." "Y/n." "Nice to meet you Y/n!"

"Care for a drink?" "I'm uh good.." "Alright.." "If you don't mind me asking Y/n? What brings you here?" Cindy asked me as she cleaned a glass bottle. "I uh.. Joined for the money! My family really needs it.. And this site said they'll pay for it.." "That's nice of you."

I soon heard a bit of arguing. Turning over I could see an MTF member shouting a bit. "ZACH! SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL YA!?" Cindy shouts. The MTF member that was yelling was Zach. He looked Cindy rolling his eyes.

"Sorry.. That's Zach. He's one of the members that hate the council. That takes it way too far. By screaming and what not. I'm surprised he's even still alive." I laughed a bit.

"You guys! This is all the O5 council's fault!" "Shut up Zach!" "The O5 council that fucking abused us! And all because they're a big fat stupid bitch!" "Don't say it Zach!" "WELLLL-" "Don't do it Zach!" "WELL-" "I'm warning you!" "Ok ok.."

"I'm getting pretty sick of him calling the council-" [gasp] "WELLLLLL!" "Well the council's a bitch, they're a big fat bitch! They're the biggest bitch in the whole wide world! They're a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch. They're a bitch to all the boys and girls!"

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH ZACH!" Richard shouts at Zach. I saw Richard looking at the doorway- Oh shit.. It was Shade. And he was triggered. The worst part was that he was recording.

"On Monday she's a bitch! On Tuesday They're a bitch! On Wednesday to Saturday, They're a bitch! Then on Sunday, just to be different. They're a super King Kamehameha biyotch!"

Soon he shouts getting more workers' attention. "Come on! You all know the words!"

More workers stepped up and soon began singing along with Zach. "Have you ever met the O5 council? They're the biggest bitch in the whole wide world! [LA LA LA LA! LA LA LA LA LA!] They're a mean ol' bitch, and they have a stupid job! They're a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch! Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch! they're a stupid bitch! (Whoa!)"

"The O5 council a bitch! And they're such a dirty bitch! (Bitch!)"

(Disclaimer: I have no idea if the lyrics are right here. All I did was google the lyrics. Therefore I will remove this part of them speaking in other languages! Sorry for inconvenience.)

"Have you ever met the O5 council? They're the biggest bitch in the whole wide world! [LA LA LA LA! LA LA LA LA LA!] They're a mean ol' bitch, and they have a stupid job! They're a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch! Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch! they're a stupid bitch!" [massive gasp]

It was at the moment they knew they fucked up.. Why? Because there was the O5 council. The whole entire council. And they were pissed off. Shade was moved aside from them as he was lighting his cigarette.

"Uh Zach-" "The council is a bitch. And they're such a dirty bitch!"

"I really mean it. The O5 council, they're a big fat stinking bitch. Big ol' fat stinking bitch, O5 council. Yeah, chaaaa!"

Nobody dared to move nor speak. As fear struck them when they saw the O5 council. Zach looked confused.

"What?" He turned around seeing Shade in one of the corners smirking, sticking his middle finger up at him. I was trying so hard not to laugh at Zach. "Oh.. Fuck.." He said as he completely was now facing the O5 council.

This was the most fucked up funniest thing I have ever seen. A personnel singing a song for the council saying they're a big fat bitch. I could tell even Cindy and Richard were trying not to laugh.

One of the O5 council walked up to Zach shouting at him grabbing his uniform dragging him out. While the rest stood back yelling at us. "HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU THAT JOINED IN SING THIS SONG!" They started yelling at us how we were mistakes and nothing to them.

Saying that we should fucking be ashamed of ourselves. And Shade? Pff he was in the corner smoking his cigarette as if he was watching a show. I could see so many people being taken out of the room. Some were begging and crying. Some were in fear. And well.. Some just went along with them not fighting.

I saw O5-13 sigh, shaking her head leaving the room not taking anybody. Along with 12, 11, 10, and 9. When the council left. Nobody dared to even say a word about what happened. I can assume part of it was because they were scared to even say one thing without somebody fighting or making a joke about it.

Shade grumbled soon after leaving as he heard somebody radio him.

As soon as he left I chuckled and almost bursted into laughter. Cindy and a few others laughed along as that behavior was the dumbest thing we have ever seen.

"He got what he deserved."

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