Chapter 13: "It's all your fault.."

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Word counts: 1343


There were three people. To be exact Omega-1 soldiers. "Yes? Who are you guys and what are you doing here?" I asked. They moved out of the way.. My eyes widened. I saw the commander with three O5 councils.

However I recognize them.. "Sir.. you found them!?" I said in shock. "Ah yes. Turns out they were in the Serpent hands." as the commander states. One of the O5 councils steps up introducing themselves and their friends. "In case you don't know.. I'm Nico. This is Eric and this is Chris. It's a pleasure meeting you Y/n." "Nice meeting you two sir." I say in shock.

"Y/n? Who's at the-" O5-13 stopped in her tracks as she saw three O5 council members. And three Omega-1 soldiers. "This is O5-13. Aka-" "Yes. O5-13. Sarina." Chris said blankly. "What?" I said, confused as he said her name? I'm guessing?

"I- but I thought.. How- who are you sir?" She said, pointing at Nico. "Nico. I originally was part of O5-3 but was kicked as the demonic children of the scarlet king took over O5-1, 2 and 3." "Hang on.. Did you just say SCP 001 the scarlet king?"

"Yes. O5-1, O5-2, and O5-3.. they are the children of SCP 001. Kinda.. Not blood related. They wanted to summon SCP 001 back from hell-" "Sorry Eric but we don't have time for this. We heard about what happened. Nico, Eric and I decided it was time to get our revenge. To help you complete the mission."

I was thankful and happy that they were willing to help out. "Really?" O5-13 said not really wanting to trust them. "Yes. We left our friends.. Our brothers are there to suffer. It's time for us to help them.. Get free from the curse and rage. It's time for us to kill O5-1, 2, and 3.. Once and for all.."

The three soldiers cheered in the back happily. "Shall I call the base?" As one of the Omega-1 member's stepped up. "Yes.. tell them we are gonna raid site 819 and take it back." Eric walked up to me and O5-13. "We owe you all an apogee for what O5-1 did.. I'm sorry for what that monster did. But now.. O5-13 you can work without the abuse. Nobody will. Though everybody will need therapy. And the trauma is still in their memory. The war will finally break.

Eric clenched his fist tightly as if he was getting ready to shatter them all into pieces. "Commander?" He didn't reply. He looked outside, sighing. "Go. Don't let us down again. Help them win this war." I smiled. "Thank you sir. And I won't."

I ran out following the others. O5-13 following behind. We got into the helicopter. Shit- wait- I forgot to tell my mom. Oh well.. She'll understand right? Hopefully.


"Alright soldiers. This is a big mission we have to do. We have to clean out site 819... And make sure the rebellion dies down. After we get that out of the way. Chris's team, your jobs will be to find where O5-1, 2, and 3. Is that clear?" "SIR YES SIR!"

"Good.." The helicopter back door opened. "NOW GET DOWN AT THE BATTLEFIELD AND FIGHT FOR OUR FRIENDS! OUR FAMILY!" They ran out jumping out of the helicopter.

O5-13 and I followed behind. Skydiving here we go!

As we jumped off pulling the string on our backpack parachuting off the helicopter.

When we landed the site immediately looked different. The soldiers looked.. corrupted.

Black goop ran down their faces as they were dead. Blood poured out of their body.

Gunshots, screams, yells, commands and more were able to be heard outside the site.

"Come on." O5-13 said, running in. I followed behind her soon seeing tons of dead bodies of foundation personnel with the mask and some of the Omega-1 soldiers.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" their voice echos. O5-13 and I ran to the person that screamed.

There was a girl. A short girl with black hair. She was a scientist. One of them at least. O5-13 ran at the guard taking out her knife from her boots stabbing the guard dead.

I ran over to the scientist helping her up. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes. Thank you." The scientist looked at O5-13. "Hello sis." "Hello Mia."

Ok too many people know one another now. "This is Y/n. Y/n this is Mia." We shook hands. Soon I saw something run fast. "Phantom.." Mia muttered. "What?" My eyes widened. "GET DOWN!" I shouted, shoving the sisters down to the ground as I felt the knife hit my arm.

I pulled out the knife looking at the Rapid Response commander. "Phantom.. snap out of it." I said, giving him a glare holding my gun at him.

His happy face mask stared at me. But I have a feeling he wasn't smiling. He was in pain with the others. But like the others.. blinded by rage.

"Shut up." I didn't know what to say.. my body didn't move for some odd reason. Soon I felt a knife wound on my lower torso. I coughed out blood falling down to my knees shooting my gun at him.


O5-13 and Mia grabbed me gently, putting pressure on the wound. I groaned a bit as the pain got worse.

-Third person pov-

Phantom got up slowly sending a glare at the three foundation personnel. "You seriously are taking on their pathetic side!? They're just USING YOU!" Phantom shouts. His voice slowly turned darker towards the end.

"That is enough Phantom.." Chris stepped in standing in front of O5-13, Mia, and y/n. "Chris..?" Phantom said slowly and confused. "Yes.. it's me.. remember..?"

He stood there looking to the side and down. Phantom gripped his mask, shaking his head in pain. "Look out!" Mia shouts as a knife flies at Chris.

Chris stood there not caring, soon catching the knife. "Very funny Shade." Shade jumped down looking at Chris. Phantom gripped his mask as Elijah ran in helping him up.

Shade gripped his pistol aiming it at Chris. "Shadow, don't do this. Listen to my voice. This isn't you.. come back to us.. all of you.." Eric said calmly. Shade didn't seem fazed and kept his gun on Chris. "Chris.. I'm gonna see if I can knock him out." Eric said in Spanish.

"You guys run and get Y/n some medical help." O5-13 and Mia nods.

They both got up helping Y/n get out and to medical hands.

"Let's fight.." Eric said, drawing out his sword. "Melee style.." Shade looked back at the others then back at Eric and Chris.

"They aren't real. They're lying to you.. Don't fall for them.. kill them.." the voice repeated.

Shade swiftly moved jumping from wall to wall summoning a bow and an arrow in his hand firing it at them. Eric and Chris quickly dodged it.

This was gonna take a while to snap them back to reality.

Elijah and Noah soon charged after shooting their guns at them. Chris quickly took out his gun returning fire. "You take care of Phantom and Shade. I'll handle these three." Chris says, throwing a grenade at them.

They quickly moved out of the way as the grenade blew up.

Phantom got up trying to tackle Eric. But he was too slow as Eric dodged. "SNAP OUT OF IT YOU GUYS! THIS ISN'T YOU!" Chris shouts repeating what they said earlier.

Shade smirked jumping onto Chris pinning him going in for the kill as he was distracted. "Chris!" Eric exclaims as he blocked another attack from Phantom.

"Does this make you happy..?" He whispered. Shade stopped a bit as it felt like a memory hit him harder than O5-1 did.

He shook his head gripping the knife tighter about to stab him if it wasn't for Eric kicking his chin.

The face mask flew off of his face. Shade slid on the ground. Phantom jumped beside him to see if he was ok. The others jumped back not wanting to get injured.

Shade slowly got up, opening his eyes facing them. He laughed darkly. Phantom and the others smirked under their mask.

"Y-your eye.. it's..."

"It's all... your... fault."

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