Chapter 3

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In king's landing all were stunned by Rhaegar's words and they could not do anything about it. Nor could they do anything about Celeste being the new hand of the king.

" I know this a lot to take in, the wedding will be held in a few weeks in the sept. Once your daughter is married you can stay here if you to want or you can return home as well. This choice is yours Eddard Stark" Rhaegar said.

" Thank you." Eddard spoke softly

Rhaegar dismissed everyone that was in the throne room. Eddard took his girls going to their rooms, while Cersei looked at Rhaegar with such a glare towards him.

Following him to his rooms.

" What were you think?! Letting go of the north!"

" I did not let the north go. I gave it away as it should be."

" You can not do that. Also making woman your hand? That is not right!"

" Many things in this realm is not right! How dare you speak to me this way! I do things for reasons that you will never understand. As your father said before, " You are not smart as you think you are"." Rhaegar said with distaste in his voice. He walked away from Cersei not before kissing her lips.

A few weeks later

The sept was set for the royal wedding to the prince and Sansa. Eddard, the king of the north was dressed correctly for the wedding. Arya was dressed as a lady should for her sisters wedding. Which Arya hated wearing dresses but she did for her sister. They made their way to the sept and Eddard walked Sansa down the aisle.

Celeste stood near the king and his family since she has been working as the hand of the king for the last few weeks. Specially for the wedding for Sansa. Even though Rhaegar told her that she did not needed to work so much, at least until all of her wounds were healed.

As she stood Celeste was watching Littlefinger in the crowd. As she knows what type of man he is, and that himself along with Lysa killed lord Arryn. She knows that he is up to something.

After Sansa and the prince said their vows in the sight of everyone that was there for the wedding. They moved outside the gardens for the dinner. All were having lovely dinner Celeste sat down on the right side of her table that is next to the king. As she is his right hand.

Celebration went into the night for all. In the next morning Eddard along with his men will be leaving King's landing. Arya didn't want to leave, because of her dancing teacher but Eddard was able to get Arya to come home where he promised her that she will learn more training at home. Arya will hold him to that.

Leaving Sansa and Celeste in king's landing was a hard thing for Eddard to do but he did it.

After a month of traveling back to Winterfell ,Eddard was greeted by his family. Getting settled in back home, there was a change of things now since the North is free. And Eddard is the king, each northern houses looked towards Eddard more than ever.

Many started to talk to Eddard that his first born son should be married. Start the new dynasty off right. Some said a northern beauty for Robb and some said otherwise. Eddard decided on a old friend. Robert Baratheon, Lord of Stormsend come to Winterfell with his family. Robert had a few daughters with his wife but he wanted to look at Robb first. And once he does, he will let Robb chose his bride, the next Queen of the north.

It took some time but Robb chose Lady Amelia Baratheon the second born daughter to Robert Baratheon.

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