Chapter 1 : His First pregnancy

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                                   Love.. Against all odds 

                                                                   Chapter 1


 Ali had been assigned to the evening duty in the hospital. In 3rd year of medicine studies, their ward duties had just begun.

He had no idea it would be so damned exhausting staying in the hospital in the evening hours after taking lectures during the day. He was forcing his eyes to stay open as he took the history of a middle aged woman with severe arthiritis.

  It seemed she was more interested in knowing his history and throwing suggestive glances at her 20,21 year old daughter who was taking care of her in the hospital, than giving her own. He sighed with relief as he noted the last details in the file and placed it on the side table, "okay" he tried giving her a smile , which came out more as a grimace "the nurse will give you the next dose of medicine in about an hour and a half, and hopefully you will be well enough soon and can go home" he did hope so, even though her condition suggested other wise. Knee replacement was unavoidable, in order for her to walk again.

As Ali turned to go get something to eat from the students'café , his friend umer rushed in to the room looking like he had seen a ghost, Ali looked at him questioningly , Umer's breathing out of order, he mumbled something out of which he could only understand "sir inam",

"come again?" Ali asked.

 Now Umer took a deep breath, He said a little clearly now "A pregnant woman has come in emergency, and sir Inam has called both of us to come hurriedly" 

Ali's own heart missed a beat, as he ran to emergency. but he still couldn't stop the chuckle at his friend's distress.

 "what are you laughing at? Its our first pregnancy" Umer said indignantly.

"WHA..?" now Ali couldn't stop the laughter.

Umer's face reddened as he heard his own words. "oh stop it you jerk! " he smacked Ali on the shoulder while running.

"you know what I meant , I am freaking out here and you cant stop laughing, to hell with your friendship Ali!"

 Ali laughed again "I am so sorry , I really shouldn't be laughing, its our first pregnancy , oh no, its our first delivery"

 umer couldn't resist a smile.

"go die, and rot in hell" ,

"only after I know your delivery was safe " he smirked at umer.

  They had reached the emergency room's door, all humor vanished, and they quickly changed into their gowns and wore their masks.

 Sir inam was the most strict  doctor in the hospital and a fear inspiring professor in the college , there were few people as dedicated to their professions as him. The trouble was he demanded the same from his students.

Ali entered the room to the screams , with a racing pulse and a heart that was trying to break through his ribs, after all it was also his first pregnancy.

Author's note: if you are reading this and you think you'd want to read more, please tell me , i need encouragment to write more:)

Love_ vulnerable

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