Baba Gee Fish House

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Aleena's heart had skipped a beat when he had looked at her. She told her heart to behave and turned to the old woman sitting in front of her, who was very worried about her grandson who was scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

He was just 16 years old and had 2 stones in his right kidney. Provided everything went according to plan, there wasn't much to worry about. She was trying to tell the same thing to the poor woman who couldn't stop thinking about the surgery, and now had again started talking about how her son, the boy's father's kidneys had suddenly failed, and he had to undergo a transplant surgery.

Aleena tried to listen for the 2nd time but her mind wandered.

Ali was as bad for a girl's heart as the other girls said. With his golden brown hair , always twinkling eyes, shining with a genuine warmth that won the other person instantly, and a beautiful crooked smile, he had the complete killer package. She felt trapped somehow. Like a spell had been cast. Aleena had never let herself be lost in thoughts of a man, and now she had to remind herself of the fact again and again. She didn't want to end up like her mother.

Today when she had seen him sleeping in the room, she wanted to laugh but the laughter got stuck in her chest. He looked tired , but still beautiful, even though men weren't supposed to be beautiful. And his tiredness was all because of her.

Her spontaneous nature always got her in trouble. She didn't mind if it was just herself, because whatever she did, she felt it was for the right reasons. But still, she regretted ali's involvement which had earned him a lot of extra time in the wards. She hadn't dared going near him, so she had tried knocking on the door , his eyebrows had knitted for a second but he had not stirred so she had to employ the other tact.

'we had never thought my son would have to go through a surgery, healthy as a horse he was' the old woman was still talking. Aleena nodded her head empathetically.


Ali was walking across the parking lot to get his motor bike when he spotted umer standing in the shade ,

'what are you doing here, has there been a bomb blast in the hostel to wake you up on an off day?' he asked smiling,

'no! I don't need a bomb blast to go see my best friend' Umer tried to fake innocence.

Ali pretended to be impressed , 'ahaan,,' he looked at his friend, 'lets see, have you submitted the assignment of behavioral sciences we had been given two weeks ago,,? Which was due yesterday.. ' ali asked in a sweet voice.

'Damn! ' umer laughed.

Ali laughed too, 'so best friend!, go die and I will mail you my notes'

'okay' he smiled deviously.

And then said 'but right now, I am very hungry and we are going to the baba gee fish house. Your dinner , best friend! is on me today'

Baba gee fish house was the place where the best fried fish in the whole city, was made, it was an open air restaurant which umer with his incredible talent for hunting his favorite foods, had discovered in the first year in the hostel. At the time he was still getting used to the hostel foods and moaned continuously about it. According to him, if it weren't for these precious skills of his, ali's taste buds would never have been introduced to the great pleasures of baba gee fish house's 'Best fish' even though he had lived in that city his whole life.

Ali hadn't had much to eat all day and could feel the spice in the air, he grinned at umer 'I rather like that suggestion'

'Bet you do' umer said raising an eye brow, 'now please hurry!'

Ali started the bike and without waiting for him raced to the gate, umer started cursing loudly. He stopped the bike at some distance. Umer started running to catch up, and was quite aggravated to see ali laughing his head off,

'you should have seen your face! ' Ali couldn't stop.

'Shut up you jerk'! Umer slapped his back before climbing on the bike.

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