Untitled Part 9

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Aleena was finishing her breakfast when she heard sohail's whistle, she quickly got up, shoved her notes, which she was reading a moment ago, in her bag and started to walk quickly. No way did she want to start her day with sohail's face or his smile in her mind. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see him and reached for the door, at that exact moment she heard her name being called,

'hey aleena dear, I can take you to the college today on my bike if you want' . She tensed at sohail's voice and then turned back with a smile , 'no its okay, I can easily go by bus.'

'it wont be any trouble, it would be my pleasure'

I know it would be, you mongrel. She wanted to shout, but restrained herself just in time to see her aunt. 'I said its okay'

Her tone was firm this time. And she turned,, she wanted to leave as quickly as possible. But before she could her aunt said in a strange voice , 'no aleena, I think you should go with sohail, buses are not really safe these days'

She was appalled at the change in her aunt's tone. She didn't have any problem with her going on public transport for the last 3 years , now suddenly public buses were unsafe ?.. She would have laughed if she could. When she had gotten admission, for the first few months her uncle used to take her to the college every day but her college was in the opposite direction of his office, so at times he arrived late at work. He didn't mind that but she did, so she had insisted that she could easily go by public transport, her uncle didn't want that but she had finally convinced him. All that time, her aunt had supported her decision wholeheartedly. She wasn't surprised by that.

But now she was really surprised, an idea rose to her mind and she suddenly panicked, 'no aunt, its totally safe , don't worry. My friends would be waiting at the bus station, I have to go'

And before any one could stop her she left the house. Walking swiftly she reached the bus station in 2,3 minutes. An old woman was sitting at the bench waiting for the bus, she sat beside her. She had lied to her aunt about her friends waiting at the bus station, she was usually alone, waiting for the bus to come. But she couldn't let her aunt coerce her into going with her son. As she sat down and waited for the bus , her aunt's perplexing behavior came to mind and that ugly thought raised its head again.

What if her aunt had seen his interest in her, she had never denied her son anything, what if she was her son's next toy on list, what if her aunt got it in her head that she could marry her son with the girl at home. Oh Allah.. Please don't let that happen. She knew that every body in the family knew of sohail's habits, and no one in their right minds will give their daughter to him. What will I do if aunt insisted on that, what will happen if uncle agreed too. What will happen to me. For a second these thoughts blocked her air passages. She couldn't breathe through the panic. What will she do, what will she do. What will she do..

Loud horn sounded near her and she jumped, the bus had arrived. She quickly got on it, thankfully it wasn't full yet, she found a seat near the window and sat down. The bus started and the scene in front of her eyes started blurring, and a few tears escaped.. She didn't complain to Allah, about her circumstances. But today she wanted to. 'why Allah g.. Why has this happened to me..' a silent cry rose from her heart. A few minutes later she rubbed her face fiercely, she wasn't weak. It wasn't in her nature to wallow in self pity. She will not allow her aunt or sohail or any one else to ruin her dreams. She will fight. She wont give up. And she will win, no matter what it cost.

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