Part 11

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Next day Aleena's foot was much better so she took the bus as usual and reached college. The day was uneventful, there were no wards and a whole lot of lectures. She was trying hard to keep her eyes open as the professor of pharmacology finished his lecture.
'finally..' she thanked Allah.
she looked at the unreadable scribblings and snapped the register shut.
'oh God, how does he manage to deliver increasing degrees off boredom everyday' Maha complained or more correctly whined beside her.
'did you sleep good?' aleena teased.
'yeah, very' Maha yawned streching her arms above her head.
they were standing up when a noise started at the front. there was a group of people standing with a banner and some one was attaching the cables with their laptop.
'alright!! so whats this? another society campaigning?' Maha was fully refreshed all of a sudden. she sat down and dragged aleena down with her who was trying to get up and go out, despite the continuous requests from the group who was asking people to sit down and listen for just a few minutes.
Aleena looked at maha frowning, 'i am hungry maha. how many more socities you want to join? i wonder if there's a limit to the number of societies and unions a person can get the membership of' Aleena was grumbling. She had missed the breakfast trying to avoid sohail and now was very hungry. she knew maha won't listen to her now, she was fully engrossed by the music playing at the beginning of the presentation.
Aleena sat down, she was in a very bad mood but she made her peace with having to sit through the presentation. every few weeks another team would come and presnt their motto and ask the students to get their membership. she was interested at times but knew that being involved in these activities would require her staying after hours, working with all the team members , many of whom would be boys, going to different places, investing some money. she secretly liked the spirit of team work but she couldn't join.
just her coming to college and her expenses infuriated her aunt. if she started any extracurricular activity, specially one where money was involved and where she had to talk and work with the opposite sex, she would go ballistic. also she would like any chance to throw mud on her character and humiliate her infront of the whole family. just the fact that she studied in a university with boys made her aunt frown.
her aunt wouldn't have allowed her coming to the university at all but her uncle had taken a stand for her. she still grumbled about how the boys and girls went out of all limits in these universities and shamed their parents under cover of studying. Aleena had always been very careful so her aunt didnt get any chance to hurt her. her purity of character was her greatest strength, due to which even the woman who hated her so much couldnt stop her from getting where she wanted to be.
. She was aware of the limits imposed by her aunt, and she intended to obey them even if many were completely unreasonable.
Treading carefully like she was walking around broken glass, until she gained full independency was her only choice.
Sitting in the darkness of lecture theatre she sat beside her best friend, waiting for the society motto to appear on screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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