5. Vecna's curse and angst/Symptoms

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(mikes house, walkies on their hands)

Mike gulped. The walkie talkie, sitting right on top of his desk was challenging him to contact with the only person he cared about that time: will.

Once he lifted the antenna, the airwaves that came out of it reminded him of the silence he enjoyed a few years back. It was like silence in the snow. Blank and relaxing. It helped him think clearly.

He pressed the button, and called for will.

But will wasn't sleeping. He was just laying on his bed, considering what mike was doing, if he was ok. After a few more times of hearing his name through the walkie, he finally picked up.


"Will?...you aren't sleeping?" Mike knew he wasn't . Neither of them was.

"No I... I've been having some....some nightmares" Wills voice was shaking of fear. "The same nightmares I've been having last year".

Mike was about to ask what nightmares, but he didn't bother. "Was it the same one?"

"No..I...it was different this time. I mean, it felt like last year's only..only it was in my now memories"

Silence followed. They hadn't mentioned the term 'now memories' since Will got cursed. Things were getting more and more complex in Mike's head, that he struggled to put the pieces together. "What did you see, exactly?"

Will gulped. "I was in that red place, full of mist, with floating rocks scattered all over the place. I..I think it was the same place Vecna.." he shivered on the mention of this name. "Killed his victims."

"Uhh, will, wait a minute!" Mike did after a long pause and closed the antenna. Will was surprised mike didn't respond or comfort him in any way. It tweaked his stomach.

Mike, though, was searching for evidence, Max's drawings. He knew they existed; he just didn't know if they were thrown away or still safe. He tiptoed all the way to Nancy's room. With slow movements, he opened the door, trying to remain silent. Fortunately, the drawings were on a visible surface, so he was able to take them and return to his room.


"Yeah?" Will whispered. Mike sighed, reassuring his thoughts from earlier; will believe he had abandoned him.

"Can you describe the place for me again?"

"Mike, I don't really think-"

"I know, I know, just...only if you could go in more details" Mike's tone changed, and will noticed it. It was unusual for him to talk with such ... concern about something.

"Mike are you alright?"

"Yeah..I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Alright..." Will continued describing the place once more. The more he kept talking, the more mike was staring endlessly at the colored papers, matching up wills description with the picture in front of him.

It looked familiar, everything was slowly driving him crazy. His eyesight was blurred, and the image he lastly saw was right in front of him, in his head. His heartbeat kept increasing of terror, once he faced all the dead bodies vined in heavy stones...Eddie, Max, Nancy, even will was there.

"Don't be afraid...just try and stay very still.... it'll all be over soon..."

Mike couldn't figure out from whom these words came from. He just ran, ran until he could get out of there as soon as possible....

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