6. Last days/Friendship

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Will was staying at the Wheeler's the next few days, that seemed to be Mike's last. Him and Nancy started to care more and more about him, now that he completely let his own energy vanish into thin air.

Mike was sick. His skin paler than ever, his eyes tired, his body leaning towards, enhancing his bad posture. The two tried to hype him up at any time, but he didn't seem to try and put a smile on his face, not even for Wills favor.

Once, when he was in the shower, Nancy found an opportunity to discuss with will. She wanted to get to know him better, what he was thinking.

"Is he getting any better?" She did as she entered the room.

"No..I don't think so" Will replied. Nancy sat on the bed next to him, looking at his sad expressions.

"I'm just hoping this all will be done in a few days..."

"It won't." Will interrupted her. The girl narrowed her eyes, waiting for Will to continue. "Nancy, I...I know you care about him a lot..."

"And I also know you two need each other. Of course I don't want him to die, he's my brother..." She said.

"I know, it's just....the other day, I saw that place...the one you and Max saw, with the red mist"

Nancy looked at the boy terrified. That day Henry showed her what true fear feels like. He showed her a future of pain, darkness and ash, in which he had killed everyone she loved and she'd be the one to see them all suffer.

Now Will and Nancy had that in common. They were both targets for vecna - Nancy was more of a watcher, less important than will. She went into detail of what henry had showed her, trying to figure out why.

"Mike was dead?"

"Not only him, everyone. But he focused on mike. And then he showed me you and Johnathan. I don't remember exactly what you were doing but he seemed like he wanted to get to you."

"He is." The boy did. Nancy stared at him as he was swallowing hard. "At first, I thought he was trying to get to mike through me. He was showing me that place, over and over again, and then I saw mike running towards an open gate, screaming my name. I..it felt like it was real, like my now memories I had a few years back. But I think it wasn't just a nightmare...."

"Vecna is also aiming for victims connected to targets....like he did with Max, trying to get to El. Maybe he's using mike to try and get to you.."

The boy shivered to these words. The realization hit him; it was now either him or mike. And of course, he would much rather put himself in Mike's place so he wouldn't have to suffer from the beginning. He didn't want to watch him suffer. "I'd rather be in his place. I don't want to watch him suffer"

"You really love him, don't you?" The girl quizzed. Will paused. Of course he did. He loved him with his whole heart, even when he was ignoring him the most. He loved him even thought he thought he had forgotten him. He always loved him.

Will nodded in tears. "Yeah..." Nancy started rubbing his back friendly. Will leaned on her shoulder, seeking a sibling's comfort. He sat there and cried until no tears were in his eyes anymore.

"He talked to me...about you"

Suddenly, mike got out of the shower, he saw Will leaning at Nancy, and instantly the boy pulled away, hiding his tears from him.

Mike was wearing his usual oversized white t-shirt and a pair of black pants, swimming in them. He was still pale, but with the shower he seemed to gain back his color. His eyes were empty, though, as if he couldn't express any single emotion.

Still Standing At The Exit (Mike pov)Where stories live. Discover now