7. The Finale/ Till forever falls apart...

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The afternoon sun was warming their skin as they were biking to the cabin. They both hoped El was there, even though she had spent all those days at the hospital, looking after Max with Lucas.

For an instant, everything felt like before again. They were biking together, just like they did when they were kids. Will couldn't take his eyes off Mike; he was actually having a great time on his bike, forgetting about the curse, forgetting about everything. He liked seeing him happy for a while after all this time. As he put a wide smile on his face, experiencing his childhood's nostalgia for a bit, Mike turned his head and smiled back at him. He felt as if he sank into an alternative reality, without curses or the upside down. A reality they would have if they lived normal teenage years.

Mike was inhaling deeply, trying to put all the fresh air in his lungs, as it was blowing on his skin and within his hair. He was now floating on the clouds, enjoying the sun and sensing the peace all over his body. He was now in no pain. As he let his hands off the steering wheel, he spread them all the way to his sides. He was finally flying. Even though Wil was making sure what he did was safe, he was driving with only one hand, trying to copy Mike's movement.

Even when they were kids, mike was just pedalling with his feet, and will was barely driving with even one hand. He felt safer placing both his hands on the steer, but he was jealous mike had that ability. The boy was now letting tears of joy roll on his cheeks- he was, after all, biking with his one and only best friend. And he didn't have to care about nothing else. And he was appreciating that so much.

Mike tried to get to Wills hand. Will was afraid he'd fall if he let go, but he risked it, preparing himself to go back into his usual biking position if anything happened. They were now moving parallel to each other, holding hands under the afternoon sun.

Mike was laughing of happiness. Wills eyes now we're like a puppy's, glad to see his friend living, feeling free.

"Woah!" Will did as a rock blocked his way on the road. He turned the steering wheel to avoid it and mike instantly grabbed his hand to help him sit back on the saddle. "Are you ok?" He worried.

"Yeah, yes I'm fine" Wills shock made his body shiver. It was like when you are in a rollercoaster, falling with extreme speed downwards.

As they arrived at the cabin, they dumped their bikes on the courtyard.

"You won't come?" Mike asked as will backed away.

"No...you'd better talk alone. I don't think this conversation will include me.."

"But will..."

"Go mike, I'll wait here."

As Mike was about to knock, Hopper opened the door. His mean, half awake stare was stuck onto him, as he was a bit too shocked to move.

"You've been sleeping?"

"What is it, kid" Hopper did as he covered his face with his hand as he yawned.

"I wanna talk with El..."

"Listen, I know that little reunion might have set your hopes up, but I WON'T allow you to talk to my daughter."

"But ..I gotta tell her something...."

"And I won't let you do so "


"Because she, herself, doesn't wanna talk to you, ok? Now take your little bike and leave me alone."

"But-" Mike started

"I said what I said-"

"Dad, you can let him in. We won't talk for long" El came out of her room. Of course, she still had the buzzcut but it was a bit grown now, and she was wearing Will's hand me downs.

Still Standing At The Exit (Mike pov)Where stories live. Discover now