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Red lightning split the gray sky, illuminating a body laying on the road. Bat-like creatures were rotting in a circle around the body, adding an air of macabre art. The body was covered in gashes and teeth marks where flesh had been ripped away. How long the body had been there was impossible to guess. Time didn't run normally here.

The body began to twitch, then spasm before there was a loud gasp and it sat up quickly. He didn't know where he was at first, but it would only take a moment for memories came flooding back. Where did everyone go? Did they just leave him here? He began to stand, his legs shaking under him for a moment. He looked around, trying to piece together what was happening. He picked up his spiked shield and spear before cautiously making his way around the carcasses.

As he walked, he heard quiet bells in the distance. Had they not stopped Vecna? Had they sealed up the Upside Down with him still inside? He stopped in his tracks when he spotted the outline of a figure ahead of him. It felt like he was prey, like the thing slowly moving towards him would tear him to shreds in the blink of an eye. He leveled his stance, bringing his shield in front of him, and brandishing his spear.

The closer the figure got, the more details came into focus. He could see the pulsing tendrils wrapped around it's body, it's face not much more than a skull at this point. He held his ground, the thing just a few feet away now when it stopped and stared at him. It began to speak, a low growl that felt as if it was invading his ears and mind.

"You, Eddie Munson, have arose from the darkness." He tightened his grip on his weapon.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?" The creature took a step closer, causing Eddie to step back as well. The creature paused.

"I have been known by many names. Before my attempted destruction, some called me Vecna." Eddie's eyes widened and he swallowed hard before steeling himself.

"You killed a close friend of mine. Many others, too. I was blamed for those murders. You need to pay for what you've done, and I'm not running anymore." Vecna began to walk a wide circle around him. Eddie tracked Vecna, keeping his body facing the creature as it moved around him.

"I could not have known you would be targeted. I, in truth, do not care about collateral damage. My goals have been larger than others could comprehend. This world you have found yourself in, it contains so much more potential than the world you came from. With your death and rebirth, you have become as much a part of this world as I." Eddie faltered for a moment.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? How the fuck could I be part of this world?" Eddie's shouts were beginning to sound a bit panicked.

"Eddie, the wounds left by my bats would not have killed you immediately. Your friend could have saved you if he had cared enough. You lost consciousness and he abandoned you. You were lucky, though. When you finally did bleed out, the venom from the bats resurrected you. You were reborn as a member of the undead." Eddie's face fell for a moment, doubt fogging his mind.

"No. Dustin wouldn't...he wouldn't're just trying to fuck with my head! None of this is real. It's a fucking nightmare." Vecna stopped and stared at Eddie.

"Eddie....I have no reason to play with you. You deserved better than this. You fought valiantly for your friends and received what? Abandonment in your hour of need. You fought for a town that hated you. For people who would have cut you down on sight if they had found you before you made it here. I do not want to force your hand, but I am here to offer you a place in this world. I want you to join me. Stand by my side and I will help you learn to thrive in this new world." Eddie couldn't speak. He felt rage rising in his chest, intertwining with gut-wrenching feelings of loss and betrayal. His arms fell from their defensive position, his head hung low.

"I will join you. But I'm not Eddie Munson anymore. From now on," Eddie raised his head, red eyes glowing like embers in a raging fire. "My name is Kas."


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**Hey guys! I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for reading! This is my first WattPad story, but I've been writing for quite some time. I just felt like Eddie deserved more time in the show and I wanted to give my interpretation of what could have happened to him. I, of course, own no rights to the characters, locations, images, or music added in. The song is, ironically, by Jamie Campbell Bower's band Counterfeit and I felt like it made a lot of sense with this scene! I'm not sure how long this will be, but I will try to get the next part up ASAP! If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see come of this, I'm always happy to hear them! Thanks again, everyone!** 

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