The Beginning of the End

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Kas had no real idea as to how long he had been in the Upside Down at this point. His mind was foggy most days and sleep wasn't something he bothered with, so that wasn't an option to clear his head either. As Vecna's right-hand man, Kas spent a lot of time preparing himself for the battle that was to come. Vecna had told him that Hawkins was always meant to be the main point of the new world's emergence and the little monster known as Eleven was preventing this.

Kas knew he would have to be completely prepared before coming into contact with her, and he spent a lot of time training for what would come next. Vecna also had him traveling through the Upside Down to gather creatures for this fight. Kas was good at his tasks and always came through for his master. He no longer felt anything beyond rage and blood lust.

He spent a lot of time in his old trailer, absorbing small memories of his old life through pictures and various trinkets. He remembered all the people he had once trusted and who had abandoned him. He wanted them to suffer as much as he had. The day was approaching for Kas to go topside to scout it out and see how many had remained. This also meant that if anyone had chosen to stay, Kas was to remove them by any means necessary.

Vecna's plans were falling into place perfectly so far. Kas had made sure of it. Just before the visit to the normal world, Vecna created Kas a sword to beat all swords. It had a long, black blade and was serrated near the grip. He used a part of Kas' consciousness while forging it, which not only increased the power but boosted Kas' abilities during use. His shield was also replaced, the new one stronger and the spikes sharper.

The preparation was easy, really. Kas had earned the respect of Vecna by showing no mercy when it came to handling creatures that were out of control. He knew if he could take on a group of Demogorgans, the humans would be like cutting through a birthday cake. The rage he felt the day he was found by Vecna had only grown stronger over time and he was ready to release it on the people who deserved it.


Kas dug through his drawers, pulling out his bloodied and torn Hellfire Club shirt. If he was going to confront his traitorous friends, he wanted to make damn sure they remembered how they left him. He slid it down, leaving his gnarly scars on display. He grabbed his sword and shield, sheathing them on his back. He considered grabbing his leather jacket but decided he would rather leave the proof of his betrayal in full view. His trek to the Creel Manor was quiet, which gave him a chance to think about what he was about to do. In some ways, he was more dangerous than Vecna and Hawkins didn't even know he still existed.

He found Vecna in the attic, as always, connected to vines that had him suspended in the air. Kas knelt down, awaiting Vecna's final instructions and the opening of the gate that would allow him to go back to the place that had forsaken him. Vecna was slowly lowered to the floor and walked, slowly, to Kas. He put a hand on the vampire's shoulder and he spoke slowly in his low growl.

"You have been an outstanding lieutenant, Kas. Your trip to the surface will signal the beginning of a new era for us. An era that I will rule, with you by my side. The humans need direction and they need it from superior creatures, such as us. Do you remember what you must do?" Kas raised his head.

"Rid Hawkins of any humans, including Eleven and her group of miscreants so that you can open the great divide." Vecna let out a low growl of approval.

"Very good. Now, go and make sure we have no more problems." Vecna raised his hand and created a portal just behind Kas. This would transport him just outside of Hawkins, giving him a chance to stay unnoticed until he needed to be seen.

Standing and taking a deep breath, Kas the Bloody Handed jumped through the gate to his fate. 


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