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The group surrounded Kali, listening intently to her story and the explanation of who she actually was. Eleven had held her hand the entire time as if she thought her 'sister' would disappear if someone wasn't holding on to her. Eddie was pinching the bridge of his nose as Kali finished her story, struggling to make sense of everything she said.

" were in the lab with El?" Eddie looked up at Kali who flinched at his gaze. "Okay, can you guys just relax? I get it, the eyes are a thing for you. I can't do anything about that and I'm getting real tired of feeling like you all expect me to attack you."

"It's alarming as hell, man. Sorry." Dustin looked at the floor, speaking up for the group. Kali cleared her throat.

"Yes, we were raised together. The man we called Papa was basically trying to create a superhuman and us kids were the guinea pigs." Eleven squeezed Kali's hand and spoke.

"Do you remember Peter? He was an orderly in the lab." Kali nodded. "He was actually number one."

"Wait so Peter had powers?" Eleven nodded. "Did you find him? Why bring him up now?"

"Kali, the last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind, so I need you to bear with me. Starting with a girl named Chrissy, teens started getting murdered. It was horrific. Bones snapping and eyes popping. Our friend Max became a target and Eddie," Nancy pointed at the vampire. "Was blamed for all the deaths. We ended up fighting him and Eddie was killed in the process. We thought Peter, or Henry, or One, or whatever you want to call him, was dead or at least hurt enough to not be able to come back. But, Will," Nancy pointed again," could feel something coming and that's when Eddie showed back up."

Kali stared at them, unblinking for several long seconds before she let out a deep sigh and turned to Eleven.

"You've gotten yourself into a mess." Eleven slowly nodded, her eyes moving to look at Eddie who raised his eyebrows at her.

"Sister, would you help us? There aren't many of us left and we have to defeat him once and for all." Kali looked and the floor and seemed to think about it for a moment before looking back up.

"What do you need me to do?"


The group finished loading things in the cars and drove to the center of town. As they approached the town hall, they could see the red light emanating from the crevices. Everyone got out of the cars and began to walk towards the point where all the crevices met. Eddie stepped to the edge and looked down into the hole, seeing the fully intact gate about 20 feet down. He turned back to the group with his hands resting on his hips.

"So this is where it will start. Make sure you cover as much of the entire area as possible when you set traps. We can't afford any mistakes. You guys will have to hold the creatures back from leaving Hawkins or tearing the townspeople to shreds until I can officially kill Vecna. Kali, I need to do that mind thingy to Vecna/Peter/Henry/One so he believes that I accomplished killing everyone and that everything is going off without a hitch. Once Kali has a hold on his psyche, Eleven will begin to fight him, ideally weakening him enough for me to land the killing blow. This has to move very quickly though, or we're fucked." Eddie finished his strategy brief and crossed his arms.

"Well, what's your plan for when you go to report back to Vecna?" Mike's voice sounded bitter as if he was still stewing about Eddie's earlier comments.

"This is where it gets a little funky. I'll have to put on the show of my life to maintain the trust he has in me. I know he plans to have me by his side in the Upside Down during the battle, so this gets me in the perfect position to run him through with my sword." Eddie's eye glimmered as he smiled at the group.

The Curse of Vecna: Rise of KasWhere stories live. Discover now