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Eddie watched as Vecna began to laugh, deep and hollow. The mangled creature stared through the vampire, his remaining eye seemed to glow. Eddie felt no fear in the moment, only the bloodlust that was targeted directly at Vecna. This needed to end now, no more games, no more destruction. Eddie's hand tightened on his sword as he made up his mind. In a blink, Eddie's sword found its home in the creature's abdomen. The lack of acknowledgement from Vecna dulled Eddie's feelings of victory. It was as if the creature didn't notice that Eddie had ran him through and the vampire realized what the creature was doing.

Vecna's eyes were locked on Eleven, who was now in full view of the creature. Her face was frozen in terror, her eyes white. Kali was shaking her, trying to break Eleven free from Vecna's spell but it wasn't working. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as Eddie ripped his sword from the creature's gut, rearing back to bring the blade back down on Vecna's shoulder. There was a crack as it went through his collarbone and was lodged in his chest.

The creature's head snapped back to Eddie, allowing Eleven to fall into Kali's arms. With a groan, the creature collapsed and all too familiar black smoke poured from the wound. It flew like a cloud of flies in the direction of the massive gate. Eddie took no time in sheathing his sword as he ran to the girls. Eleven was on the ground, sobbing into Kali's arms.

"What was it? Eleven, what did he show you?" Eddie wasn't sure what else to do but push the girl for information. She slowly lifted her head, tears running down her face.

"I know why Max didn't wake up. We have to go to her, Eddie. We have to go to her." She sounded desperate. Eddie lifted the girl into his arms and headed back towards the Creel House and the portal that would take them back.

Without warning, the ground began to shake violently. Eddie lost his footing and landed on one knee, refusing to let go of Eleven who was tightly holding his neck. There was a roar that echoed and reverberated inside Eddie's chest. To the trio's horror, a massive creature appeared, its footsteps creating earthquakes around them. It was horrific and they watched it make its way to the gate. Eddie wanted to go after it, but knew he needed to get Eleven topside. They would meet the monster there. Eddie took one look back at it, taking it in with awe.

"W-what is that thing?" Kali whispered, her words dripping with fear. Eddie turned to her.

"The thessalhydra."


The monster shrieked from its eight heads, making the group grab their ears. Steve felt like he had lost the last bit of sanity he had, staring at the creature towering over them. He had seen so many things over the years, but this was beyond comprehension. Dustin's eyes were still locked onto the monster, staring in awe at the creature he had only seen depicted in his creature manual and a small figurine from a campaign.

"What's it doing?" Hopper looked lost, his gun hanging limply by his side. The group was at a loss as a whole. Fighting demogorgans and the other demo-creatures seemed so easy in comparison. No one felt confident or had any sort of idea for how to address this.

"It hasn't moved. Neither has Will." Nancy's voice was shaky and weak. The group fell into stunned silence, no one knew what to do. They could always come up with a plan, but with the behemoth in front of them, and Will so far from reach, everyone felt hopeless.

The group jumped when something landed behind them. They all spun to see wings unfurling, revealing Eddie. He had Eleven in his arms and walked directly to Hopper, handing him the girl. Steve and Dustin ran to Eddie, giving him a hug. They were followed by Robin and Nancy before Eddie spoke.

"Lucas and Kali are on their way back. Eleven is weak. She needs food or something." Eddie looked up at the beast. "I destroyed Vecna's body, but it's clearly not over. The black smoke flew out right before that thing went through the gate. Eleven seems to think something is going to happen to Max so I need to find her."

The Curse of Vecna: Rise of KasWhere stories live. Discover now