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Eddie took a deep breath, looking out on the literal minefield around the gate. He had no idea how they had managed to get so much done so fast, but he was impressed. They had really pulled together and worked their asses off. Eddie had promised to wait and keep watch as everyone rested. A few more hours would mean nothing in the long run and they needed it before the war found its way to their feet.

A rustling behind Eddie brought him out of his train of thought. He spun and drew his sword in a split second, catching the creeping figure and holding his sword at their throat.

"Eddie! It's me, Dustin! Please don't kill me!" Eddie jumped back.

"Jesus H. Christ, Dustin! I can't sneak up on me like that!" Dustin smiled sheepishly. "Shouldn't you be resting with everyone else?"

"Heh, yeah probably. I just wanted to check on you. It's going to get really wild from here." Dustin sat down, looking up at Eddie.

"You don't have to check on me, Henderson. I'm the strongest in the group, and if I die, everyone's already mourned me. Won't be a change for you guys." Eddie sat down and picked at the grass.

"You know that isn't true, right?" Dustin looked concerned. Eddie shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, my only goal is killing Vecna. If you guys are safe, I'll happily die." Dustin winced and hung his head.

"Why do you do that? Why do you act like your death doesn't matter to anyone?" Eddie sighed. He didn't want to upset the kid, he was just trying to be realistic. He could tell his death had mattered to them now, but he was prepared to lose it all just to keep them safe.

"Dustin, I told myself this was my year. I was going to finally graduate. I wanted to have a life beyond the life my parents had brought me into. The Munson name has been cursed for as long as I can remember, I just wanted to do better. But the curse followed me and here I am. A monster. You can't even hold eye contact with me anymore, how am I supposed to have a normal life?" Dustin shifted uncomfortably.

"You don't know that. Maybe if we kill Vecna, your curse will go away. You could become human again!" Eddie let out a hollow laugh.

"I appreciate your unending optimism, Henderson. Let's just focus on this plan going smoothly and then we can see where we are from there, alright?" They both stood up, Dustin still avoiding Eddie's eyes.

"Just promise me you won't try any crazy shit again, please?" Eddie looked down at Dustin, sadness and regret swirling in his eyes.

"You know I can't promise anything, right? I wish I could, just to make you feel better, but I can't." Dustin looked like he was going to start crying and Eddie wrapped him in a hug. "I hope you realize how much your friendship has meant to me. I'm proud of the person you are. If anyone's a hero here, it's you Dustin Henderson. Now go get some sleep. You'll need it."


It was a few more hours before everyone else started moving around. The slow movement made Eddie nervous, he knew he needed to leave very soon and everyone was taking their sweet time. He made his way down the hill to the others, watching them pass various food items and drinks around.

Halfway down the hill, his vision got cloudy and he heard bells again. He rubbed his eyes and looked towards the group but they were gone. His heart fell as he heard the familiar growling whisper.

"Kas. Come." Eddie began his walk to the Creel house, a pit forming in his stomach. He made his way through the house, and up to the attic. Vecna was waiting, not hanging this time, he was facing the attic window. "What have you done, Kas?"

"I don't–" Eddie was cut off as Vecna raised his hand, silencing Eddie and raising him into the air.

"Did you think I wouldn't realize you lost your target? Did you think I wouldn't punish you for not taking your task seriously?" Vecna moved Eddie's floating body near his vines. "If you have lost your way, maybe I need to remind you."

The Curse of Vecna: Rise of KasWhere stories live. Discover now