One | hello to the myth under the mountain

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"Whatever you do, don't offend her

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"Whatever you do, don't offend her. I'm talking to you Tony."

Doctor Strange said, gracefully landing in front of the enormous cave that seemed to swallow all light.

The Avengers were broken. Their spirit nearly gone by what had taken place just a minute before. The last time they had seen Steve Rogers, he had been barely standing, Clint Barton and Sam Wilson were missing in the debris, the only reason Tony was still able to stand was the iron suit that hugged his body rather snugly.

Bucky Barnes leaned against the rocky surface of the towering cliff, breathing heavily as blood swept through his new suit. Natasha was eyeing their surroundings, taking in the endless mountain range, the glistening sea against the evening sun and the crispy cold air that seemed to caress her sweat and blood-covered skin.
Strange had formed a portal for them all to stumble through, there was only one last chance for them all to really save the world. And they needed urgent help from the creature that resided inside the mountain.

"Who do you take me for?"

Stark said, stepping closer towards the entrance as he gaped at the ginormous hideout. It sent shudders down his spine.

"I take you for a fool who doesn't know when to keep quiet."

Tony turned his bruised and ash-covered face towards Strange who simply hovered by him towards the ominous darkness.

"Oh wow, and I was led to believe that wizards were supposed to be friendly." he grumbled as he followed the sorcerer into the darkness.

Natasha barely managed to smirk at Tony's spirit that never seemed to tire, even after everything seemed to be against them. Despite the pain in his side and heavy bleeding, Bucky followed Doctor Strange and Tony into the darkness.
Natasha gave the wilderness around them one last, fleeting glance to make sure there wasn't anyone spying on them before she too, followed the others.

Doctor Strange summoned a ball of fire in front of them to light the way, the silence was quite eerie and the air around them wasn't the crispy, fresh one they were used to outside.

"Who, exactly, are we looking for here again?"

Tony asked quietly, almost afraid to disturb the silence.

"Someone with enough power to make Thanos disappear."

Strange answered, his eyes darting left and right the deeper they ventured. Bucky and Natasha felt on edge as they followed the two, something about the darkness really unsettling them. They felt watched, as if the darkness around them was following their every move.

"And that person lives here?"

Right as he said it, a low, grumbling sound made them all freeze. The growl seemed to vibrate through the air and it was so near it felt as if Tony was standing right in front of the source. Although he couldn't detect anything but the rocky ground just a couple of feet in front of him, that's how much the tiny light source Strange had summoned managed to show them.

The Soldier and The Beast | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now