two | the violet battle

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Tony stepped out of the portal, the distant sound of battle once again reaching his ears

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Tony stepped out of the portal, the distant sound of battle once again reaching his ears.

The field was full of people, one half battling to get through others and find the last stone to achieve their goals of wiping out half of the world.

The other half was fighting for their survival.

Behind him, the dragon stepped onto the soft grass, looking around curiously as her eyes zeroed in on the battle in the distance.

Tony, Natasha and Strange didn't have any time to loose as they started jogging towards the spot they were supposed to meet with Banner and Rhodey. Tony felt relief wash over him in waves when he saw Pepper with them, glad she had managed to stay unscatered for the most part.


He greeted the woman who was batching up a Wakandan warrior. The ginormous hall was full of doctors who were rushing around, trying to help every wounded person fighting on their side.

Helen placed the needle down as she looked up at the three, looking behind them expectantly.

"Banner is on the field, Hulk is doing an impeccable job so we cant pull him out."

“Good, I'll join the party but–? Strange, where's our One Chance?"

The three looked back, realizing they couldn't spot the dragon anywhere. Tony looked around frantically, ignoring Pepper's worried eyes from across the room as she was forced to lay down due to an injury. Tony was glad, she couldn't go to the field like that.

"Astrid?" Strange asked as Natasha brushed past them to peek outside.

"You sure she came through with us?"

"Who do you take me for, Stark? Of course she did."

Outside, Astrid was frozen as she stared down from her spot.

The battlefield was brutal. The ground underneath their feet had turned ashen as they kept climbing over bodies. She couldn't detect half of the creatures fighting, what were these things?

She felt nervousness shoot though her system. So many people, so much noise.

She had encountered a human or two while they had been hiking by, but it had been a long time when she had last allowed someone to look at her.

The noise of guns going off, blades piercing skin and screams of terror shocked her.

What had she agreed to exactly?

She had been blinded by her desire for company so bad that she had agreed to this nonsense without even asking what it was exactly.

Astrid was terrified of the creatures down below, she was frightened of the noise and the smell of iron, ash and gunpowder.


Her electric eyes fell on the woman from before, she detected the unease that flashed through her tired eyes before the emotionless mask fell into place once again.

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