five | the age thing

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The day had passed just as slowly as any other in Astrid's life

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The day had passed just as slowly as any other in Astrid's life.

She was basking in the late evening sun, curled up in front of her cave as she did he best to not purr. Because yes, she did purr and roll around in field of flowers but since she had a guest she couldn't do that.

She thought it would dent her picture perfect dragon image.

Try as she might, she couldn't ignore the stench of death emitting from Bucky or Buckaroo as she liked to call him in her head.

She sighed, realizing there was no way they could go on like this. It was nearing the end of their first 24hours together and as they had 29days more to go, it needed to be addressed.

As she archer her neck to face him, she realized he was already staring. He seemed to be racing himself, making her snort with a small puff of smoke and purple sparks.

"You need to change, you stink. By this rate the stench will suffocate all wildlife and not just me."

He seemed to relax, a spark of amusement shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think to bring my overnight bag with me."

The reply made Astrid shuffle her wings and stand up, so much for hoping he wouldn't become a brat the second day.

"Well, there's the option of just washing your clothes."

"And what, walk around naked until they dry?"

Realizing that was exactly the response the dragon was waiting for make Bucky almost choke.

"I wouldn't mind, I'm just a dragon."

Astrid said in sing-song voice, what? She hadn't had the chance to ogle a good-looking man for decades.

Bucky narrowed his eyes. "No."

Astrid grumbled under her breath turning to walk down the cliff again, realizing he wasn't following he peeked over her shoulder, lowering her wings a little.

"Well? Are you coming? You don't think I'm going to choose you a pair of pants that fit?"

He scrambled up and went to follow her although he seemed a bit worried as he eyed her slowly healing wings still.

He was smart enough not to comment about it as he followed her. The two carefully made their way down, and he went to walk beside her, using her as a sort of a sun shield.

"Should I be worried of your friends coming to blow up my castle to save their callant soldier in distress?"

Once again, Bucky was taken aback by the snarkiness of the dragon.

"No, no. I'm sure Tony explained everything. The rules are rules."

They trudged through long grasslands towards a dark forest filled with fern, spruce and alder trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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