Home Sweet Home

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In case you were wondering what Kana looks like 

Kana was home at last. As she winnowed in front of her castle she noticed the guards patrolling the area. Confused she asked the nearest guard. "Why are so many guards patrolling here?" The guard startled at being addressed by the High Lady but answered "Somebody broke into the castle right after you left. We will not risk anymore break ins" Kana nodded in thanks and started ascending the steps. As she stepped up the last one she saw Nox giving orders to some guards.

"Long time no see General" Nox turned drawing his sword as well as the guards behind him. "Stand down you guys." Nox obeyed as the others followed him. "Sorry My Lady, I'm sure you heard what happened?"

"Yes i did, did you get the intruder?" Nox gestured to follow him. As they walked Nox filled her in what happened while she was gone. "I assume she failed?" Kana shook her head "No, she survived and the court is revealed once more." Nox stopped as Kana descended down the stairs into the dungeons. Nox followed a moment later. 

"Wow, did not expect that." Kana frowned "Neither did i, she died during the process." Nox sighed "I'm guessing you brang your powers together?" Obvisouly meaning the High Lords and herself. "Yes, but the others gave her too much of there power. Bless them" 

"Does that mean she has their powers now?" Kana nodded as they stopped in front of a cell. Kana spotted a trembling slim figure. She recognised him as the fae that found the information. "Why'd you break in?" Kana crossed her arms. "I j-just wanted your attention again" He said with a insane smile. Kana bent down to his height. "That's nice" she said smiling. The fae smiled back and Kana immediately dropped her smile and she flicked a wrist. His head rolled onto the floor still smiling. 

"Where's June?" Kana asked as her and Nox started their journey to her chamber. "She's out dealing with the Andronikas." Kana's army in the mountians similar to the Night courts Illyrians. Instead of membrane wings, the Andronika's had steel like wings. Proud beings

"What's the problem?" Nox's nose flared as he shook out his own wings. "Some are back from Amarantha since she's dead" Kana stayed silent for a moment "Send word to June, about what has happened and then kill the ones were with Amarantha. Also we need to address the court"

Nox nodded and walked away. Kana sighed as she saw the door to her room. She was exhausted even if she didn't show it. She hadn't slept at all while Under the mountian in fear of being caught. Kana knew she would have a lot of meetings tomorrow so she decided to sleep the rest of the day and night.

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