Tarquin, High Lord of Summer

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Dress up above

As Fiona - Her personal maid - did her hair, Kana couldn't help but sigh. "What's the problem My Lady?" Fiona asked fixing the crown above Kana's wavy curls.  "I just wish my sister was still here to help me." Kana's sister had died in the war, the one Kana had been too young to fight in. She was an amazing fighter but it wasn't enough. Fiona frowned "We all miss her but you're all ready."

"Thanks Fiona" Fiona nodded as she walked out. As soon as Kana was about to leave, Nox came up to the door. "He's here already with 2 others." Kana got up and linked arms with Nox. They walked in silence until the reached the foyer. Voices could be heard whispering but they soon stopped as Kana started walking down the stairs. "Tarquin, The new high lord of summer! Horrible news about what happened but oh well." Tarquin gave a bow as well as the two behind him. Tarquin started to introduce the two but Kana cut him off "I don't need to know" Kana gestured with her hands to a door on their right. 

As they all got settled, Kana raised her hand and a door opened. Relia, June, Nox and Leon walked through. "This is my inner circle, introduce yourselves" June stepped forward "I'm June, 3rd in charge, i organise my high lady's schedule." As she sat down, Nox stepped forward with a air of commandment and Tarquin and the other 2 immediately sat up and studied his wings. "I'm Nox, The general of the dusk court's armys." Nox remained standing behind Kana. Leon stepped up with a happy bounce "I'm Leon! but you can call be Leo and I'm the spymaster!" Leon sat down next to June. Last but not least Relia took her seat. "Relia, 2nd in charge"

Tarquin inclined his head in greeting. "You have very interesting wings" The woman that sat next to Tarquin said. Leo gave his thanks while Nox ignored her. "I wish to hear you story Kana" Tarquin spoke. "During the 49 years im guessing?" Tarquin nodded.

"Well as soon as i heard about under the mountain, i used my magic to erase my court from everybody. I decided that i was going to help my court instead of putting them in danger." 

"You must be very powerful then" The male next to Tarquin spoke. Kana knew their names but didn't care. "i am indeed, i dare say better then Rhysand." Tarquin tensed up at the name. Everybody noted that. "I became High Lady about same time as him actually. Our courts hate eachother due to years of rivalry. I have a meeting with him soon but i might cancel due to what he did under the mountian. Can't trust him, can we?" Everybody nodded in agreement and Kana smiled

Everything was going to plan.

A little insight to Kana's life! What do you think she's up too? I'm not sure myself! Any questions feel free to ask! 


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