Chapter Five: Under Pressure~

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"Relax, I'm just playin'!" Hu Tao laughed.
"Can you guys be quiet for one moment? I'm having a crisis here!"
"Venti, what happened?! Are you hurt?" Instantly Gorou appeared worried. Thankfully, our favorite bard was just acting up.
"I will hurt someone when I find out what happened to my wi-----iiinner grape juice!"
"Did you forget you can't legally drink yet?" Xiao grumbled.
"Huh!? Of COURSE not! I wouldn't be caught dead drinking wine at school y'know!" Venti pouted.
"at school," Xiao muttered underneath his breath before shoving another bite of tofu in his mouth.

Meanwhile, Lumine was sitting with her smaller group of friends. Why would someone so popular and friendly have such a small friend group was a secret Lumine was ashamed to have. Nevertheless she enjoyed her time. Ayaka, Ganyu and Kazuha all sat around the small table. They all disliked socializing in large groups though Lumine was friendly enough to ease their worries. "So...How is everyone's day so far?" Ayaka smiled gently.
"It's alright. The people can be...interesting," Lumine nervously poked at her food before finally eating it, "Are your classes all okay so far?"
"Actually, yeah! I just wish I had more periods with Keqing. It's so cool we can now see everyone," Ganyu added. It was common knowledge of the couples in the school. Word traveled fast - no secrets were safe. It didn't help that there were those who would go all out for their own goals. Think of an interrogation, but more Regina George. "Well how has your time with Xiao?~" Ayaka smirked, looking directly at Lumine. No response. "Please?"
"...It's good to see him. That's all."
"Sure, 'that's all.'"

The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Lumine and Aether met up at the south exit of the school. They lived close enough to bike home, so that was a plus. The twins grabbed their things and peddled off to their house. Their parents were off on a trip of their own and the only supervision was their weird Uncle Dainslef occasionally dropping in.
Lumine nearly threw her bag across the room. "That good of a day, huh?" Aether chuckled.
"I hate people! Why do they have to be so intrusive!?"
"If this is about Xiao, I'll grab that pocketknife and-"
"Aether, please... It's my problem and I have to deal with it. Ugh...I'm going to my room." Lumine said as she grabbed her bag and stormed up the stairs.
She slammed the door and face planted on her bed. Why did all of this happen on the first day?! This wasn't some movie. It was the beginning of the school year. As she laid there, Lumine thought to herself. Let's say that she did have a crush on Xiao, as everyone said. It was no secret to her. Let's say Xiao had a crush on her. What would happen then? They had known each-other for ages. If they failed at a relationship, it would be awkward for Aether and all of their mutual friends. Why was everything happening so fast? Everything was terrible. Lumine kept lying in her bed, curled up in a ball.

Elsewhere Xiao was in his room. As he listened to his playlist of everything from classical to hard rock, he sketched...something. Whatever it was, it didn't make sense. Surrealism was his favorite style - occasionally drawing demons. His art was an escape from reality. Yes, he sounds like your average emo art student. Though while everything else was failing in his life, he could control a pencil and paper. It didn't depend on looking good or pleasing anyone. Art was art, no matter what it took to make it.
While Xiao was drawing, Zhongli snuck in. He leaned on the creaky doorway and just...watched. They weren't biologically related but that didn't stop their bond. Though that didn't stop the fun. Zhongli gently knocked on a spot just above the doorknob. The vibration went all the way to Xiao's desk causing him to jump. "What the fu-"
"Watch your language young man," Zhongli chuckled, sitting down on his sons bed, "So, how are you holding up?"
"Fine before you gave me a heart attack. Look, if this is about Geology, I don't want to dwell on it."
"Actually, it's about Lumine. She stopped by at the end of the day to check up on you. How about that? You've always talked about how much you want her to succeed. What about yourself?"
"What do you mean?"
"You want to succeed and you want Lumine to succeed. How about that? It can't be a coincidence."
"You sound like everyone else. Just let the school year happen, alright?"
"This isn't about the school year. It's not like you felt like this suddenly today, correct?" Zhongli raised a brow with a playful smirk. There was no response. Xiao just went back to drawing. Chuckling slightly, Zhongli left the room carefully. After that, he kept drawing. Eventually it came full circle and revealed itself to be a drawing of young Lumine. Specifically when they first met. Xiao remembered that moment in vivid detail.

The sun was setting on a summer evening. Xiao was walking his neighbors dog, Torumaru, when he saw a young girl sitting on the curb. She appeared to be crying for some odd reason. As much as the young Xiao didn't want to get involved, the dog said otherwise. Torumaru darted to the crying girl and licked her face like a madman. "Torumaru! Hey! Calm down!" Xiao yelled, trying to control the dog - it was a child against a dog. Who did you think would win? Eventually, Xiao managed to get the dog off of the girl. "I sorry about that. You oke?" He asked.
"I don' know where my broter is..."
"Whats your brothers name?"
"Aethwer. Where did he go?" The girl continued to cry, burying her face in her knees. Xiao thought for a moment before standing up. "Isn't your house the one with the cool bushes and the flower tree?"
"Yes! Dats it!"
"It's four houses down to the right."
"I...I don' know my directions..."
"...Fine. I'll just show you," Xiao helped her up before walking Lumine and Torumaru to her house. Her brother, whom Xiao had already met, was sitting on the doorstep reading a book. As soon as he was inside, the girl ran to her brother and nearly tackled him in the process. "Lumine! There you awre!" Aether smiled. So that was the girls name - Lumine. Xiao simply continued to walk down the street to return the dog to his owner.
That night, he couldn't help but think of the girls name. Lumine. Why hadn't Aether mentioned her? They clearly were close. Whatever his reasons were, the young boy fell asleep repeating her name to himself. It was as beautiful as her golden pigtails that bounced as she walked.

Returning the present, Xiao fell asleep with the same thought. Though this time he was thinking of Lumine as a whole. He felt the same way she did - why was everyone pressuring him? He already had enough to focus on. His feelings could wait...hopefully.

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