Chapter Four - Surprised?

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I'm so sorry I left it on a cliffhanger like that!

I stood stock still, shocked. "She's the one who kidnapped you?!?" I demanded.

 "Y- yeah?" He sounded slightly frightened at the ferocity in my voice. I was beyond furious. I stormed up to her and placed a foot in her throat. I pushed down just hard enough for her to be uncomfortable and leaned down until my face was inches from hers. "Tell me why you did it," I demanded simply.

 "Because she stole him from me! That baby was her spawn, so why should she live?" I growled. How messed up was this monstrous excuse of a human being?

 "What about Parker? Why didn't you mention him?" I asked, dangerously close to pushing my foot down completely and finishing it once and for all. I could hear her grin, feel the waves of self-satisfaction and loathing coming off of her like a pungent stink. "The boy? Why, I didn't do anything wrong! After all..." She paused. "He's my son."

She threw her head back and laughed, the most cruel sound ever uttered from human lips. I

"Surprised?" She asked. I was. I was utterly shocked. I staggered backwards a bit, but strong, warm arms wrapped around me from behind. 

"It's alright," Parker whispered in my ear. Then suddenly a voice rang out from the top of the stair. 

"Watch out!" Mom screamed. Quick as a flash, Parker pulled me out of the way. I heard a snarl, then a thump and a small whine. 

"Silver!" I yelled. Parker dragged me away, but I could sense something coming at us. I pushed Parker on of the way as a fuselage of heavy books hit me. I screamed in pain as I crashed to the ground, twisting my leg terribly as I did.

"Run!" Parker exclaimed as he dragged me to my feet.

 "I can't!" I protested when I fell again. Suddenly Parker picked me up, bridal style, and started sprinting to who knows where. Finally he stopped and pushed through a door. 

"Do you have a-" his sentence was cut off as the sound of shattering glass filled the air. Then Parker started to run  again, pushing through a door . He pushed through and cursed. 

"Dead end," he muttered, more to himself to me. Still, I didn't find the choice of words comforting. He turned abruptly and ran back inside. I could feel the wind from his movements as he stared around, looking for an escape. 

But when he didn't make a move, my heart sunk. We were doomed. Then suddenly he lunged sideways. I managed to stifle a scream as he stuffed me in a small confined space and clambered in after me. 

"What is this?" I asked, my voice a whisper. 

"A cabinet," he whispered back. He then pressed a finger to my lips to quiet me. I held my breath, my attention not on the kidnapper chasing us, but Parker's finger resting on my lips. I wondered - then someone entered the doom.

Sorry for another cliffhanger. It's 12:30 (PM) and I'm so tired I can hardly see. Literally. Anyway, goodnight, sweet dreams, and see you in the margins!

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