Chapter 7

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'Wow babe this is delicious. How did you learn to cook like this?' Frankie said swallowing his food.

'I'm glad you like it. My parents are traveling very often, so when I'm alone I like to cook and experiment with stuff. Sometimes I look recipes up or look over my mums shoulder and then do them myself. This is one of the recipes I learned from my mum.' I smiled feeling proud of myself.

'I think I have to meet that mother of yours.' He grinned like a kid on Christmas.

'If you remember this conversation when we can go home, sure.' I smiled.

'I definitely will if you cook for us everyday.' Frankie smirked and returned to his half empty plate.

'In your dreams. Like I'm going to cook for you everyday.' I scoffed eating again.

'I'm gonna agree with Frankie. This is delicious and you'll cook for us till the last day in this house.' Cody butted him with the others agreeing with him.

'What makes you soo sure about that, pretty boy?' I raised an eyebrow turning my attention towards Cody.

'Even if you didn't want to I'll make you, pretty girl.' He too smirked.

'Ooooouuh kinky.' Frankie wiggled his eyebrows.

'Yeaah? And how are you going to do that?' I ignored Frankie's comment.

'Trust me pretty girl I have my ways.' He laid a hand on top of my thigh without anyone noticing.

My breathing hitched as his hand traveled higher.

'What are you doing?' I whispered-yelled.

'What? I'm eating. Is that a problem?' He said innocently while squeezing my thigh.

'I know what you are trying to do and it's not working so stop it.' I said trying to shove his hand off my thigh but it remained still.

Before Cody could say anything Paola squeaked,

'What are you two whispering about? Anything you wanna share?'

Rolling my eyes I replied, 'We were just discussing about how I'm not cooking everyday.'

'Yeah about that, you shouldn't cook anymore this tastes like dog poop.'

'Sounds like you had your experience sweetheart.' I raised an eyebrow while Frankie and the others snickered.

'No I do not have experience, but this food is just like I imagined how dog poop would taste.' She gritted her teeth.

'Hun you are the only one who thinks like that. Next time just keep it to yourself. We've not even been here for 5 hours and you are already making the atmosphere negative.' I said continuing eating with Cody's hand still resting on my thigh.

'Why are you such an uptight bitch?! You need to get laid!' Paola screamed

'I'm an uptight bitch? For what, not being a whore like you?! I don't need to get laid!' I yelled back feeling Cody's hand squeeze my thigh.

'Everyone needs to get laid. Except... except if you are a virgin...

No way you are a prude.' She laughed at me as everyone listened quietly.

'Soo what?! I'm a virgin and I'm proud. At least I have some dignity, unlike someone...,' I announced, 'Now, if y'all excuse me I want to enjoy my meal, so I'll go to my room where whores are not allowed in!'

I stood up took my plate and went into my room.

Sitting on the edge of bed I quietly ate my food.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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My life in the big brother house (Cody Calafiore love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora