Chapter 6

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Walking into the living room we both sat down next to each other. We were all soaked in sunscreen it was really disgusting, but whatever 

‘Juli is everything okay?’ Joey looked concerned.

‘Yeah everything’s fine, why?’ I smiled

‘You look like you have been crying…’ By now everyone’s attentions was on us.

‘Oh I must have got some sunscreen in my eyes…’ I lied smoothly standing up and going into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror only to find my eyes bloodshot red. My hair was full of sunscreen and my shirt was glued against my body.

I indeed looked like I have been crying which I did. I could faintly see dry tear stains.

I took a small towel, held it under water and rubbed it across my face after I took off my glasses.

‘Juli are you sure you are okay?’ Startled I turned around to find Joey again with a concerned expression, ‘and this time don’t lie.’

‘I-I-I wasn’t lying, it was really just sunscreen that got into my eye.’

‘Suuure,’ she said sarcastic, ‘and that’s why I heard you sobbing into Cody’s chest, right?’

I frowned, put the towel onto the sink and sat on the edge of the bathtub.

I looked down but didn’t say anything.

Sighing Joey sat next to me, ‘Juli why were you crying?’

Fiddling with my fingers I could feel my tears coming back.

‘I-I was scared. I was scared that you girls would hate me for not pulling through.’

‘We don’t hate you. So what you couldn’t pull through who cares it was just one competition from many many others.’ Joey laid her hand on my shoulder squeezing lightly.

I took a deep breath, feeling myself relax.

‘I just didn’t want to disappoint you and the girls, because I was the last girl standing. But I got these really bad cramps and jumped.’

‘You were the last girl standing and that means something and we were proud of you and still are, that you were stronger than us other girls. And girl let me tell you, what you did wasn’t an ordinary jump. You FREAKING did a front flip.’ Joey exclaimed

waving her hand in the air like a maniac, ‘how did you learn to do that?’

By then I was blushing, ’A good friend of mine once told me if you get bad stomach cramp do front flips. It sounds crazy but at that moment I didn’t care. It helped a little.’

‘Well let me tell you it looked awesome…’ she smiled, ‘Come on, the others must be waiting.’

My life in the big brother house (Cody Calafiore love story)Where stories live. Discover now