Chapter 6 ~ August weather

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I was walking towards the park where me and Karl were going to meet up, admiring the nice August weather, the cool breeze and the heat of the hot sun created the perfect balanced atmosphere. Out of the blue, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned my head sharply to see two teenage girls looking right at me.

"OMG are you Y/U?" One of the girls asked in excitement.

"Yes, I am" I confirmed. Ever since I had joined the dream Smp I started getting recognized by fans far more often than I used to.

"I told you it was her" The girl whispered bragging to her friend while shoving her lightly on the shoulder.

She then turned to me. "Can we take a couple of photos please? We are such huge fans"

"Of course you can, I would love to take photos with you"

We took a couple of photos and after chatting for a bit, joking about many things that have happened in my past streams, I looked at the time and saw that I had about 15 minutes to get to the park. I turned to look at the girls and told them that I had to go and that it was nice meeting them before hugging them and leaving. I loved it when I met fans, they were always so kind and looked so happy when they were taking photos with me. That is really what kept motivating my to never stop streaming, even if there was some hate to make me feel bad, there was always the kind and motivating fans to make me feel better.

In a couple of minutes I arrived at the park. I headed towards the empty playground and sat down on a swing, swinging slowly and waiting for Karl to arrive.

After a couple of minutes that felt like hours, many what-ifs started to pop up in my head.

What if he didn't get my message? What if he didn't want to come. What if he doesn't like me as a person?

My eyes started to water at my last thought and as I continued thinking about him not liking me, I was moments away from tears. I checked the time on my phone. 5:55pm.

A couple tears had already started to fall down my face when, suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head, only to see Karl a couple of feet away from me walking towards my direction. I let out a sign of relief and started wiping my tears away so that Karl wouldn't notice, but it seems like he did notice because I saw him walking towards me at a faster pace with a worried expression. He kneeled down besides the swing I was sitting on and started rubbing my back.

"Y/n, what is wrong?" He said with a concerned tone in his voice.

"Oh-uh, I just had a rough day at work, that's all" I lied, I myself wasn't ever sure why I was tearing up. Karl gave me a sympathetic look and hugged me. I hugged back, making my stomach go wild with butterflies.

~Karl POV just because I wanna write cheesy shit.

I was so sad when I saw y/n cry. I just hope I could take all her sadness and pain away and just make her laugh. I didn't want to let her from my arms, it felt so right. Damn, I am really falling for that girl.

I eventually had to let go of the hug and we started walking around at the park just chatting and getting to know each other. At some point in the conversation, she started talking about her pc and some problems it's been having lately but I didn't pay attention to what she was saying, I was busy studying her and admiring her beautiful e/c (eye color) eyes.

She stopped talking and turned to look at me. That's when I noticed I had been staring at her and quickly looked away only to look back a couple of seconds later to see her face having a pink tint to it. An awkward silence followed. I opened my mouth to break the silence but I was cut of y/n.

"RACE YOU TO THE SWINGS!!" She said running towards the playground.

"HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR" I complained running behind her.

I arrived at the swings a couple of seconds after Y/n. While I was trying to catch my breath, she came up to me and placed her index finger under my chin raising my head to look at her.

"Life isn't fair pretty boy" she said with a cocky smile.

I immediately felt my whole face heating up at her comment. She called me pretty boy... I thought and my stomach started doing flips once more. She turned away and headed towards a blue plastic bag she'd been carrying around. She whipped out two monster cans and handed me one of them smiling. We hang out in the park for a couple more hours, chatting, making jokes and drinking monsters under the now dark summer sky.

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SO this is surely the most cheesy chapter I have written. Sorry I wasn't on time for this chapter but I was busy with my own life. The next chapter will be on schedule {5 days} so stay tuned and safe.

Till next time<3.

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