Chapter 7 ~ The Duel

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~Y/n POV

We were both now sitting on the soft sand of the playground chatting and making jokes, the sky was now completely dark and the stars could now be seen. I raised my head towards the sky to look at the millions of shining stars.

"It is so pretty" I said in awe admiring the beautiful summer night sky.

"Yes, it is" I turned to look at Karl staring right at me.

I felt my face getting redder by the second, I tried to cover my face with my hands hoping Karl wouldn't notice but I failed miserably.

"Ha, made you blush" said Karl in a teasing tone whilst pointing at my face.

"Shut up" I managed to mumble under the wave of embarrassment passing my body making Karl burst in laughter at the sight. My face was now redder than before which I didn't think was even possible.

I whipped out my phone to put some music in order to fill the silence between us, but noticed the time "8:13pm" "Shit" I mumbled sitting up.

"What is wrong?" Karl asked with a concerned tone.

"I have to go, I promised a stream at 8:30" I said looking at the sad boy next to me.

"Do you really have to go?" Said Karl making puppy eyes, basically begging me to stay longer.

I did have to go but I didn't want to leave Karl's company. I stayed there looking at the sad boy when suddenly a light bulb went off in my head.

"Why don't you come stream with me? I didn't have plans anyway, I was just going to grind a bit on the smp"

Karl's face lit up at my proposal.

"Of course!" He said standing up quickly. I did the same and started making my way towards my apartment making Karl follow me.

We were now about a block away my apartment building and he came to walk beside me. As we were walking, our hands kept brushing with each other making me feel like electricity was passing through my body every time I felt his touch.

We arrived at my apartment and I unlocked the dark wooden door making my way in the apartment. "Iris! I am home!" I yelled as I started walking towards the stairs with Karl behind me. "Hello, how was it?" Iris said making her way into the hallway. Seeing Karl standing next to me, an evil, some would say, smile started to form its way onto her lips. She gave me a look of approval and turned to Karl.

"Oh hello" she said putting her hand out for Karl to shake.

"You must be Karl, Y/n won't shut up talking about you" she said proudly, shaking Karl's hand while I was giving her a death glare that gave her the silent message to shut up.

"She talks about me huh?" Karl gave me a mischievous smile as he saw the redness appearing on my face.

I put my head down in embarrassment, looking at my shoes as I felt my face getting redder.

"Shut up" was all I was able to mumble before grabbing Karl's hand and rushing into my room to get ready for the stream.

I grabbed some clean clothes and run to the bathroom to change and freshen up. When I got back into my room, I found Karl sitting on my bed scrolling on his phone. I prepared everything for the stream and I had a couple more minutes to spare before actually going live so I went downstairs to grab one final thing. Monsters. I grabbed a couple cans for each of us and rushed back into my room. I sat back down at my pc and opened twitter.

y/n @y/u/n

Hey loves, going live on ft. ✨a special guest✨.

Trust you (Karl Jacobs X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ