Chapter 11 ~ Just for the record....

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We entered the Airbnb and were greeted by a 6'3' blond man which we assumed was Dream. I had talked to Dream in the past but I had never seen his face, which explains the fact that I was surprised to see he is quite, handsome?

That's when I heard the familiar voice.

"Y/N! I am so happy to finally meet you in person!" He said as he tackled me into a hug.

"Omg Dream, I am happy to meet you too!" I said as I hugged him back.

With the corner of my eye, I saw Karl looking rather sad and somehow... hurt?

Dream released me from the hug and went ahead to hug Karl. And then he turned at Iris.

"I assume you are the famous Iris?" He asks smiling as he offers his hand to Iris to shake.

"Nick mentions you quite often and I am happy to finally know who you are." He adds as Iris shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Dream, I am a huge fan of yours"

"You guys came here quite early, the Brits are going to arrive in about 4 to 5 hours, Quackity will be here in about an hour and Minx hasnt boarded the plane yet"

"Oh, well what should we do till they all arrive so we can sort out the rooms?" Asked Sapnap taking a seat on the couch.

"Should we watch a movie?" I asked.

Everyone agreed and we started preparing for the movie... day? Night? Call it whatever you want. Iris and I went to make some popcorn, Sapnap went to the store with Karl to grab some candy and monsters and Dream went to bring the blankets.

~Sapnap POV

I was at the candy aisle and I was grabbing some candy for the movie day. Karl was off at the beverages probably grabbing a shit ton of monster.

I have been meaning to talk to Karl about Y/n. I know for a fact that they like each other. I know both of them well enough and besides, any person with more than half a brain cell can tell. I mean... Have you seen the way they look at each other? It is like every time they hear the other's name their eyes turn into small hearts. They are both oblivious as hell so they can't see that.

As soon as I finish my thoughts Karl comes back with two six packs of white monster and, a six pack of green monsters?

"I thought you only liked the white ones" I pretend to be confused even though I know that the green ones are for Y/n.

", I got those ones for y/n" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Ok, what is going on between you two?" I know what is going on between them but I want him to admit it.

"Um- I- umm..." He starts stuttering like crazy.

~Karl POV

FUCK FUCK FUCK! WHAT DO I SAY??! HE WILL KILL ME!! OH GOD. Karl relax, deep breaths. It is best if you tell him now rather then him finding out later. Ok here goes nothing...

I stop stuttering, take a deep breath and start again.

"Ok, so don't get mad " he nods so I continue. "I might have crush on Y/n" I get prepared for the worst, a punch, screaming, everything. Instead, he lets out a giggle.

"Oh, I know, I just wanted you to admit it" he says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"For the record though..." His face changes into a serious expression. oh god

"Just because I didn't freak out, doesn't mean that I won't kill you if you hurt her. She is like a younger sister to me, she has been through hell. Just take note of that." He said in a calm tone, as if that was the most normal thing to say, as he scanned the shelf for any more candy he could buy.

"Ok I won't" I said trying to hide the fact that I was terrified. He can be quite scary sometimes.

~3rd person POV and Time skip to when they come back to the Airbnb.

Iris, Dream and Y/n were sitting on the couch waiting for the boys to return from their trip to the store. While they were chatting, the door flew open to reveal Sapnap holding two grocery bags on each hand and Karl carrying three six packs of monster.

"What are all of these?" Dream asked gesturing at the bags Sapnap was now placing on the counter.

"Oh, we didn't know what type of candy you all preferred so we got a couple of bags of each type" He replied.

Y/n looked over at the green monster six pack Karl was carrying.

"I thought you only liked the white ones" She pointed out confused.

"Oh um- I got those for you" Karl said whilst a pink blush was creeping its way onto his cheeks.

"Simp" said Iris which made the boys to start laughing and Y/n to start blushing as well.

~Time skippity skop to when the rest of the people have actually arrived because idk what to put here also Y/n POV.

"MINX!" Me and Niki screamed as we saw Minx enter the house with a big suitcase in hand.

"Hello bitches" she said as she hugged us.

"Minx this is Iris, my best friend" I said pointing towards Iris

"It is so nice to meet you, we could always use some more girls." said Minx

"Couldn't agree more" agreed Iris.

Once we returned to the living room which was full of suitcases and backpacks. We sat at the couch and Wilbur started to speak.

"Ok, now that we are all here, we need to sort out the rooms"

"I have something in mind" said Dream and we all turned our attention to the blonde man.

"So, I was thinking, Karl, Quackity and Sapnap in one of the big rooms, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo in the other big room, Willbur and Phil together, the girls take the room with the two bunk beds and me and George in one room? If everyone is okay with that."

We all gave our own versions of Yes and we made our ways into our rooms.

"I CALL TOP BUNK!" screamed Minx and Iris at the same time.

"They are so alike" Niki whispered to me which made me chuckle.

"Yeah, they are"

I made my way towards the bunk bed where Iris had set her stuff at and started to unpack, basically claiming the bed.

"This is going to be so fun" I exclaimed as I was unpacking

"Especially for you" said Iris smirking which made the rest of us confused.

"Why especially Y/n?" asked Minx

Iris whispered something at Niki and minx which gasped dramatically and started squealing.

"Is anyone going to tell me what is going on?" I asked now angry that they wouldn't tell me what was happening.

"Nope" they all said in sync making us all burst into laughter.


I am excited for the next chapters. I have so many things planned in mind. Also I have quite a few ideas for a new Dream x reader that I am preparing. Anyway...

Stay tuned and safe <3

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