Chapter 12 ~ The pillow fort

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As we headed downstairs, we found the boys sitting on the couch, some on their phones and some watching America's Horror Stories on the Tv, I went ahead and squashed myself between Sapnap and Karl and Iris went to sit next to Dream. I felt Karl tense up as our hips touched but after a couple of minutes he started to relax.

After a few of episodes of AHS we started to get a bit bored.

"Do yall want to watch a movie?" Asked Minx in her heavy Irish accent.

"We are watching Highschool the Musical!!" Me and Karl both declared which led to laughter.

Me and the girls went to make a shit ton of popcorn, we needed to feed 13 grown people and a child, the dream team went to find any excess candy from earlier and Phil went to find more blankets.

After about twenty minutes we came back to the living room with 6 big bowls of popcorn to find that the boys had already made a pillow fort.

I went ahead to knock on the 'door' and tubbo answered.

"You can't enter, no girls allowed"

"But we brought popcorn" I tried to negotiate .

"Oh, leave them in for god's sake" Ranboo called from inside the fort.

Tubbo opened the fort's 'door' to reveal the rest of the boys either sitting on the couch or laying on the floor with packets of candy everywhere.

We went in and sat down next to the boys. Iris went and sat next to her mister loverman and I sat next to Karl making him once again tense up and relax a couple of seconds later.

In the middle of the movie, I placed my head on Karl's chest to get more comfortable as I watched the movie. I could feel his heartbeat get quicker. Was I making him nervous?

I turned to look at him and, in the dark, I could just make out a red face. I giggled and continued watching the movie.

I must have fallen asleep halfway through the next movie because I was woken up by Karl slightly shaking me.

"Y/n you need to wake up, the movie is over" he said in a soft voice.

I buried my face further into the pillow I was holding and groaned. I just then heard a heartbeat coming from the pillow. God that wasn't a pillow, it was Karl's chest!

I stood up quickly feeling my face burn as I headed up the stairs leaving Karl alone. I headed up into my room and found everyone sleeping, so I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up the next day at 7:24 am. What can I say, I am a morning person. Iris and Minx were still sleeping and Niki was nowhere to be found.

I headed downstairs into the kitchen and found Niki sitting on the isle scrolling on her phone while holding a mug.

"Good morning! Do you want some coffee? I made some earlier and there is still plenty in the kettle." she asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Good morning, yes that would be lovely. Why are you awake that early though?"

"I could ask the same about you." She chuckled as she poured me a cup of coffee.

"But jetlag is a thing and besides I am a morning person" she continued, passing me the cup.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" I giggled as I scratched the back of my neck.

"I am a morning person myself" I said.

Some time later, a couple of people started to wake up. Only a part of the group was still asleep.

"We need stuff for breakfast so me and Niki are going to the store, does anyone want to come along?" I announced.

"Can I come?" asked Karl with puppy eyes.

"Of course, just be ready in 5" I said and went to my room to grab my wallet and shoes.

~Time skip to when they are in the store.

I was grabbing some flour to last us a few days of pancakes, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Omg are you Y/n?"

"Oh yes I am" I said happily as I turned around thinking it was a fan. But I was in shock when I saw who it actually was.


Oooo cliffhanger. Who do you think the mystery person is? Also, I want to say sorry for not uploading earlier but I have been feeling quite under the weather lately so I wasn't able to write. I have a question about our dear friend Iris: Who should I make her love interest Dream or Niki? Comment on this paragraph and let me know. Anyways. . .

Stay tuned and safe <3

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