Chapter 6: Present time

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(It is the present time. Denki is now in his first year of UA. Deku has been a pro hero for a little over a year now.)

"UA... My old school. I am seeing my dad's class for the first time. I wonder what kids he has in his class." Izuku thought. 

Izuku went over to his closet. He grabbed his jacket and jeggings for his hero costume. He went over to the bathroom and put his clothes on the drying rack. He hopped into the shower. He was only about 5 minutes. He got out of the shower and dried off himself. He got changed into his hero costume and brushed his teeth. He braided his her just like how his dad, Hizashi, would. He put on his shoes and went back into his room.

"SHINSO I SWEAR, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP" Shota shouted. Izuku sighed.

"Nothing new with Shinso, trying to get more sleep, but more surprising that pap is actually shouting this time for Shin," Izuku thought. Izuku grabbed his mask and glasses. He put them on and went downstairs.

"Morning dad," Izuku said.

"Morning Izuku," Hizashi replied. "Are you able to take Eri to her play date with Kota?"

"Of course dad, I'm surprised you aren't at work yet." Izuku exclaimed.

"You know how Shinso and Shota are." Hizashi replied.

"Of course I do, they both don't want to be awake." Izuku answered. Izuku grabbed some breakfast and ate while talking to Hizashi.

"I better go see what is taking them two so long Izuku, I'll see you at UA." Hizashi said, while, getting up.

"I'll see you later dad," Izuku replied. Hizashi went upstairs while Eri came downstairs. Izuku got up and washed up.

"Izuku! Izuku!" Eri blurted out. She was excited to see Kota.

"Yes. Yes. Hello, Eri." Izuku remarked. "Let's get you to your play date of yours Eri."

"I am so excited!!" Eri exclaimed. Izuku picked up Eri and her bag. They were meeting at the park that was around the corner. Izuku left the house and went to the park.

When at the park, Izuku put Eri down and gave Eri her bag. They went and sat on a bench, while waiting for Kota. Eri was very excited to see Kota. Ten minutes past and Kota was at the park with his guardian. 

"I will see you later Eri, behave yourself!" Izuku said. Izuku started to walk home. Izuku got home to Shinso and Shota drinking coffee in silence.

"At least it is quiet." Izuku thought.

"Izuku where have you been?" Shota asked.

"Eri had a play date to get to, pa." Izuku answered, sighing. "At least you both have had coffee,"

"You coming with us Izuku or are you going to take your sweet time to get to UA?" Shinso asked. Izuku didn't get time to answer. Shota grabbed Izuku with his binding cloth and they all were in the car, on the way to Ua.

When they got to Ua, Izuku was the first out. He remembered about Eijiro Kirishima and wondered if he was in the first year. When everyone else was out of the car, Izuku asked,

"Hey pa, do you have someone in your class called Eijiro Kirishima?"

"Eh... Yeah I do Izuku." Shota replied. "Also Izuku we will be living on campus from now on, Eri will be with us as well so do not worry about her, Hizashi will get her later."

"I didn't think taking up a job as a nurse here would make me live on campus pa." Izuku said, sarcastically.

"Izuku why don't you go get set up in medical then go and head to the class 1-A dorms?" Hizashi requested.

"Sure dad" Izuku replied. Izuku started to walk towards medical. 

He had forgotten how big the school is. Floods of memories came back to Izuku, while walking in the school. Memories of the first day there. Memories of being class representative. Memories of being apart of the big three. All of them, flooding back. Even the memories of being in medical every other week. Izuku laughed at them. He was happy. He walked over to medical and saw Chiyo Shuzenji. 

"Recovery girl!" Izuku exclaimed. Chiyo turned around.

"Ah hello to you to Izuku, or should I say Deku. Welcome back, I hope you don't have any broken bones again." Chiyo said, jokingly.

"No not at all. I am here to help you now." Izuku exclaimed.

"That's good Izuku, all the kids that keep overusing their quirks or breaking something, it is ridiculously busy during and after training." Chiyo sighed. "Wouldn't change my job though. Oh you can just set your stuff over at the desk over there," Chiyo pointed at the other desk in the room.

"Thank you, Chiyo," Izuku voiced. Izuku walked over to the desk and placed down a couple pens and in one of the draws a couple note books. 

"I will see you soon, Chiyo," Izuku said. Izuku walked out of medical and walked to the dorms. 

"Let's see... Ah 1-A" Izuku muttered. Izuku walked into the 1-A dorm building and went up to the 1-A dorm rooms. When he walked out of the lift, he was greeted by two students he didn't recognise.

"Ah hello, you must be Deku. Aizawa sensei told us you were coming. I am Momo Yaoyorozu and this is Tenya Ida." Momo calmly said. 

"It is a great pleasure to meet you Deku" Tenya exclaimed. They all gave a little bow and a smile. 

"I am going to be honest, I am surprised Aizawa has mentioned me." Deku claimed.

"He talks about you when we are in training quite often." Momo replied. 

"He often tells us to act like we are trying to be at least as good as you." Tenya continued where Momo left off. 

"Ah of course it is in training..." Deku muttered. 

"Where is your brother Hitoshi?" Shota asked with a tone.

"Why would I know father?" Shinso replied, annoyed. 

"So they are like this at school as well as at home." Izuku chuckled.

"I need to get ready still, I will see you in a bit Deku." Tenya exclaimed and walked off. 

Momo and Izuku walked over to Shota and Hitoshi. Izuku took some deep breathes as they were still arguing. Izuku coughed and they shut up. 

"Oh hello son." Shota said. 

"Are you both going to get your act together?" Izuku sighed. 

"Yes brother we will." Hitoshi said, annoyed. 

"I will see you both later and I will see you in a bit Momo" Izuku exclaimed. Izuku left the building and went back into medical. He sat down at his desk waiting for class to start.

(1101 words)

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