Chapter 10

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*Tori's POV*

A loud obnoxious ring tone wakes me up abruptly. The bright sun was shining through the blinds covering the huge window that covered almost the entire left wall in Justin's room.

Last night was an interesting night, and honestly I can't stop thinking about it. Justin is made out to be such 'bad guy' when in reality he is one of the sweetest people I know.

((Flashback to the night before))

"Mine" He whispered

"Yours" I breathed

He leaned into me and placed one more soft kiss on my lips as the front door swung open, making Justin turn around. It was the man from the party with dark skin and curly hair, named Dominic. "Dominic?" Justin says as he slips on his tee shirt that was still a bit damp from the water that had splashed on it.

"What was going on here?" Dominic asked. I felt really awkward so I stood there twiddling my thumbs and staring at the floor.

"It definitely wasn't what it looked like." Justin laughed.

"You must be Tori," Dominic said to me "It's really nice to finally meet you." He walked closer to me and put his hand out for a handshake. I hesitantly shook his hand, and gave him a genuine smile.

Dominic's attention shifted to Justin and they both give each other stern looks, almost as if they were telling each other something through facial expressions. "It's safe for you to come home now. They aren't looking for you anymore."

I wish Justin would just tell me who it was that was looking for him, and why they're looking for him instead of keeping me in the dark about all of this. But every time I ask about it he seems to get pissed off, so I'd rather him just tell me with time, than keep asking and pissing him off.

"That's all you had to tell me? You could've just told me that in the morning. Do you want me to come home tonight or something?"

"Kind of, me and the guys have to have a conversation with you."

"Okay, well Tori is coming home with us." Justin insists.

"I can just go home." I say to Justin as I put my hand on his which was laying on the counter.

"See you at home Dominic." Justin gestured for Dominic to leave, and he left.

"I don't want you to go home." Justin looked me in the eyes with pouted lips. "Plus its almost 3 in the morning, wouldn't your parents be mad if you came home at this time in the morning?"

"They'll be mad no matter what time I get home. They're probably so worried about me right now." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check to see if they texted me, but my phone was dead.

"Okay so you're coming home with me." Justin demanded as he took my hand and pulled me to the front door. I slipped on my boots and he put on his white Adidas sneakers. Still holding onto my hand he opened the front door and pulled me outside, locking the door behind us. He let go of my hand as soon as I got into the passengers side of his car. Dominic is still parked in the driveway and as soon as Justin got into the car Dominic pulled out.

Justin follows him back to the same place the party was held at. "Oh, you live here?" he nods his head and gets out of the car.

As soon as we got inside Justin took me up the stairs into his oversized bedroom. His bed was huge, with all white bedding. It almost looked like a hotel bed. "Are you tired?" Justin asked with a smile as he sat down on the edge of his bed, slipping his shirt off and throwing it like a basketball into his black laundry basket at the other side of his room. I nod my head and started to rub my eyes. The tiredness was all starting to hit me. "I"ll get you something to sleep in." Justin giggled and walked swiftly towards his dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a black tee shirt and some grey sweat pants and handed them to me. "Looks like you'll have to wear my clothes." A small giggle escaped his lips. "You can change in the bathroom." He said as he pointed to a closed door that I figured was his bathroom.

After I changed into Justin's clothes I walked back out into Justin's room. Justin was laying on his bed, shirtless, in nothing but basket ball shorts. He was scrolling through something on his phone and he takes a quick glance glance at me and puts his phone down on his bare chest. "You look good in my clothes. C'mere."He taps the spot next to him.

I laid down next to him, he wrapped his arms around my torso and pulls me into his chest. My head lolled into his shoulder and before I knew it I was asleep in his arms.

((Current time))

I roll over, hoping to see Justin next to me but instead he isn't there. He isn't even in his room. I grab my phone off of Justin's bed side table, it's been charging over night. 23 unread text messages from Mom. 5 unread text from Dad. 11 missed calls from Mom. 12 missed called from Dad. My heart drops in my chest and I know that I'm in big trouble. I never did anything like this before and I don't  know what my parents were going to do. I started calling Mom. After two rings she immediately picks up. 

"Tori? Where are you?" Mom says frantically. 

"I'm safe mom.. I'm sorry."

"Where have you been, why didn't you come home last night?" 

"I'm at a friends house... I just, I guess I forgot to come home.." 

"What friend? You need to come home right this second. What's your friends address. Me and your father will come get you." 

"I'll be home as soon as I can." and without another word, I hang up. 

I know that when I get home I'm going to be in a lot of trouble, but honestly I don't even care any more. Im 18 years old, I can do what I want. 

I hear a few quick knocks on Justin's door and Justin walks in. "Hey baby." his face lights up as soon as he sees that I'm awake. He walks over to me and plants a soft kiss on my nose. "How did you sleep?"

"Justin I have to go home."

Awaken (Tori Kelly/Justin Bieber Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें