Chapter 12

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*Tori's POV*

Sliding open the window to see Justin's smiling face made everything better. He pulls himself in through the window. "Again, I have a front door for a reason."

"Yeah but aren't you sooooo worried about your parents" He mocks me. "Oh yeah, how much trouble did you get in?"

"Not much yet we haven't talked about it, but that doesn't matter. Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see you" He pulls me into a tight hug. I try to pull away after a few seconds but he squeezes me tighter. I let out a happy sigh and wait until he lets go.

"Who was the guy at the party?" I ask again, knowing he wouldn't give me the answer but I figure the more I ask the more of a chance I have for an answer.

"You ask a lot of questions, you know?" He smirks "I'd rather talk about how beautiful you look."

How predictable. Another subject change. I let his compliment distract me, I can feel my cheeks getting warm as he pulls me into another hug. "Stoooooooop," I whine "who was it? What did he want from you?"

"Ah Tori you ask so many questions." Justin sighs and takes a seat on the edge of my bed, raking his fingers through his hair. "I don't like talking about things in my life you know, that's kinda my deal. Plus, you don't need to be involved."

"But I was involved, he literally spoke to me Justin, I think I at least have the right to know who he was, and what he wants from you." I plop down beside him. "and you know.. you can talk to me about anything. You can trust me Justin. I hope you know that."

"It's not that I don't trust yo-"

"Then what is it? You don't trust anyone? I'm not like everyone else." I cut him off. 

"I know." He whispers in a reassuring tone and puts his hand on my thigh.

"Then who was that man at the party?"

He swallows hard and clenches his jaw. "My dad."


Both of our heads snap towards my bedroom door as we hear three loud knocks on it. "Noah go away!" I shout thinking its Noah.

"It's mom, can you unlock your door sweetie I need to talk to you."

My heart stops in my chest, if my parents catch me in here with Justin I'm literally dead, even more dead than I was before, super dead. "Uh, just a second mom I gotta get dressed I'll come down stairs in a few minutes." I hear her walk away and I look at Justin "stay here," I whisper "Don't make any noise and stay here." I repeat and slip out of my room and head downstairs. All I can think about is that moment at the party, that was Justin's dad? he seemed so angry. Why can't Justin be around him?

*Justin's POV*
I can't believe I told Tori that was my dad, she already asks enough questions now there's going to be more.

I lay back a little on Tori's bed, waiting quietly and patiently for her to come back when I hear her door swing open. Thinking its her, I sit up swiftly and to my surprise it's her little brother.

"What do you want with my sister?"
Hi, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a really long time and I sorta went MIA, also sorry this chapter sucks BUT I plan to keep updating this if y'all want me to. Also I changed the cover of this fanfiction I hope you guys like it :)

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