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My friends never responded to my text. My mum yelled for me to come and eat. I shut my laptop and locked my phone, tossing it on my pillow.

I ran down the stairs to see my mum cutting 3 slices of pizza for me and tossing them on a plate. I grabbed the plate and returned to my room.

I opened my laptop back up to research more into this case. When my phone rung. The caller id appeared as unknown.

I was unsure of answering it, so I didn't. In every horror movie the stupid or the black girl dies first.

I returned my eyes to my laptop screen where a email appeared on my screen.

It had a link to it, and I clicked on it. It brought up Group Chat MMS website and it showed a black room.

I heard faint yelling and footsteps. I bright light appeared on the screen to reveal the guy with the black ski mask from the other night.

I squealed and covered my mouth as he showed a bloody knife. It was stained from his last murder.

He flashed the light at a person, dead, in a chair. I didn't recognize the person, until, I realized it was my father.

I screamed and bawled out crying. I slammed my laptop screen down and threw it.

My mum ran up the stairs and burst in to my room and hugged me. "What's wrong, hon?" She asked, nervously, as she caressed my shoulder.

"Dads-dads-dads-" I couldn't bear the word dead and dad together. "Dads what!?" Dad and mum divorced a long time ago, they still communicated though.

"Dead." A hurt and shocked look spread across her face and she started to cry too. "How do you know?" She asked as she wiped her face with her shirt.

"I saw it on this website called Group Chat MMS, this guy with a ski mask on killed him mum." She grabbed my laptop and pulled up the last 2 sites I was on.

Both were the site I saw 2 people die on. She looked at the video feed of those 2 sites and saw that one lady get murdered and my dad in a chair, dead.

"Oh my gosh, Jessie." She shut the laptop and sat it down behind her, rubbing her eyes. I patted her back as she paced around the room.

"Did you call the police?" She asked as she bit her nails. "No, I'm afraid the guy will hurt me." She sat down beside my sat and arm on my shoulder.

I called Noah and explained to him that my dad was murdered by the same guy that killed that woman.

"What!" Noah yelled, nearly busting my eardrums.
"I saw everything." I started to cry a bit before he spoke up.
"We have to tell someone."
"My mom and us only know about my dad part. She knows about that woman, too."
He sighed and said bye.

The line went dead and I already felt nervous. Like I was being watched. My daydreaming was over when a rock shot through my window.

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