Chapter 1

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It turned into a wild night in Zaun. I decided to go with a couple girlfriends against my better judgment to the Zaunite's Annual Freedom Festival. I was just shy of 30 and couldn't stand not seeing the real world any longer. The streets were alive with food and vendors and music of every kind. Some people brawled for bets in makeshift rings. And others set up street shows to make money off the boisterous crowds.

We were actually having a pretty good night considering I was a bit out of my element. I still clearly looked like a Piltie but down here no one knew who I was, which was freeing. Being the heir to one of the richest families in Piltover always hung over my head. On top of that my mother was one of the councilors. I was usually forced into so much political nonsense I just wanted to escape it all. This was definitely a good distraction, at least for tonight.

We came to the Last Drop, they were serving drinks outside tonight and a few of Vander's kids were amusing the crowd. A few shots down and I was feeling more relaxed. My friends wandered off to watch the various shows. But another someone caught my eye - I let them go on without me.

This woman had drawn quite the crowd, besting some pretty impressive men at arm wrestling of all things. Man after man and many women trying to overcome this reigning champion. She was fiery. Her hair stunningly dark red swept to one side - the other side shaved short. Her sleeveless torn shirt reflected the color of her hair. Her smile was mesmerizing. The tattoos along her neck as well as down her arms suited her. I've never seen such a creature in Piltover.

She talked a slick game then took her unsuspecting opponents down in a quick second. Her reflexes were almost as stunning as her muscles. I didn't realize I had been staring for so long. The crowd started to disperse, getting discouraged. She looked around a little disappointed that more people hadn't stepped up to challenge her. I had been standing in the back but as the others left it was apparent I was still staring. Totally lost...

"Hey there Cupcake, you want a try?" She called out.

I was still taking in her muscles, completely and more than obviously checking her out. I didn't even realize she was talking to me.

"Hey..." she waved and walked closer. "You doing ok over here or?"

"Oh. Oh my Gods sorry, I was just, uh..." I did not have a good answer.

"Ha, like what you see?" She smiled. Damnit that was a beautiful smile . She was still getting closer.

"Ha, oh no... I  mean, I was just lost in thought."

"Oh really? Well looks like the show's over. Hey, you want to grab a drink?"

"Hmm actually I think I saw what you were doing there. Mind if I give it a go?"

"You want to try me? Ha ha alright, you sure?"

"Hmm..." I pulled out a good handful of coins. "Yes I think I would like a try."

"Damn ok Cupcake. But I do have to warn you I am undefeated. You sure you want to bet that much?"

"Oh, well. Something different the... If I win we'll call it even no need to pay up. And if you win, how about you take this and buy me that drink?"

"Alright princess, that's more than fair."

She showed me back to the table. By now we were the only ones around there. I had actually seen a few different ways she had beaten her previous opponents – despite being completely enthralled by the look of her. I also never lose, well almost never, so I thought what the hell.

"Ok best 2 out of 3?" I wagered.

"Sure why not. So what do I call you Cupcake?"

"Hmm funny. It's Caitlyn. And you are?"

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