Chapter 6: Street Infiltration

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Meanwhile, the sampan sailed quietly through Gongmen Harbor, that stopped underneath a stone bridge. Vee and the Five leapt up and began to scal the wall. Po tried and failed a couple of times before he joined them on top of a roof and overlooked the city streets. The palace tower was seen in the distance.

"That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city." Tigress said.

"Alright!" Po smiled. "We'll march into the palace and proclaim: We are the Dragon Warrior, the Turtle Sorceress, and the Furious Five, and we are here to bring you to justice!"

Po leapt off the roof, but Vee stopped him as she pulled him back on the roof.

"Po, wait!" Vee warned.

Mantis jumped on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Mantis asked Po. "This place is crawling with wolves."

The warriors peered over the roof; indeed, there were wolf soldiers in every street of the city.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?" Crane asked.

Po spotted Boss Wolf, who smacked a bewildered pig's head as he passed by.

"I do not like that guy." Po said, as Tigress put a paw on his shoulder.

"Me too." Vee agreed.

"We need to get to that tower without being spotted by those wolves." Tigress said.

"Got it. Stealth mode..." Po smiled.

The warriors crept back down from the roof. Luckily, Vee carried a copycat of her invisibility gum and used it to sneak through the streets. Later, Po attempted to sneak through the streets, as he stopped to hide behind two thin pillars. He briefly spotted the Five, who stealthily leapt over the rooftops. Po picked up a large plant and tried to use it as camouflage, but ended up tripping over the other plant pot. Now on the floor, Po slid on his back toward cover... but changed direction when he saw a noodle bowl that stood on the very edge of a noodle cart. He tried to reach a dangling noodle strand with his tongue...

"Po!" Vee whispered, as she stopped chewing her gum to make herself visible to the panda. "Quit it! Get to cover!"

"In a second..." Po replied.

"Hey, get outta the way!" A wolf demanded.

Vee gasped and chewed her gum to go invisible again. Po was alerted to the presence of wolves and rolled out of sight behind a market stall. He snuck along the line of market stalls until he hit himself on something unseen. He emerged behind a fruit stall, only to encounter a wolf, who passed by. The wolf stared, as the strands hung from a kite on Po's head, with two watermelons that sat in front of Po's chest, that gave him the appearance of a woman. Po noticed this, pulled out a fan, and began to flirt with the wolf.

"Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, hello, ho, ho, ho, I couldn't help but--." Po said in a female voice.

WHACK! Po headbutt the wolf, that knocked him out cold. He quickly made his way out the stall.

"Yeah, okay... anyway, where was I?" Po questioned.

Meanwhile, the Five stopped on one of the rooftops.

"Where's Po and Vee?" Tigress asked

"How can you lose a guy that big and a girl that green?" Mantis questioned, sarcastically.

The Five looked down at the market street. It wasn't long before they spotted a dragon costume with panda legs that clumsily made his way down the street. Tigress was embarrassed; the others were completely gobsmacked. In the street, Po knocked a huge lantern into a fireworks stall; that sparkled, fiery chaos erupted in seconds. Vee snuck inside the costume and placed her gum in the wrapper.

The Panda and the Turtle (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن