Meeting the Kittens Family

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Ming's POV

Here I am right now standing face to face with what seems to be a younger brother of Kit, They playfully pestering each other as Kit is trying to silence his brother and prevent him from speaking. The two stops when the huge gate's door opened. Actually it was really not my intention to kiss him like that but it's just that I really can't control myself with the cuteness and the overall being of Kit.

"What are you two doing? Stop playing around and being too loud Gun you might disturb our neighbors" said the beautiful woman who I assumed Kit's mother. The two immediately stops and Kit straighten up himself and immediately hugs her mother. " I miss you so much maaa!" Then he goes to the man behind her mother and hug him as well "I miss you too paaa!"

"You should be coming home much often if you miss us then, or give us a call. I was close to forgot that I have a son that is so cute like you" said her mother.

"He can't call us because he's busy with his..." Kit quickly grab his brother again before he can finished up his sentence. " With mu studies ma! I'm really busy with my studies" Kit answered as she tries to convince his mother.

I stand there watching how warm their family was, even though I was not that familiar with that feeling towards a family I felt their love for each other. "Oh who is this handsome young man with you?" Said the mother of Kit as he gives me a smile.

I swear I saw his brother trying to say something but Kit gives him a meaningful death stare. I put on my best smile and wai at them "Hi, Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. Intochar! I'm Mingkwan Daichapanya" I politely said, Suddenly they all burst into laughter. Kit's parent, Gun and even Ming is laughing and I don't have any idea why.

"Oi! Quit the formality! You looks like you're gonna ask permission to take our son to a date" said the father of Kit. I was really embarrassed after that, it's just I wanna leave like a good 1st impression. "Oh! Sorry Ma and Pa!" I jokingly said and chuckled a little. They all laughed except Kit who was eyeing me right

"Now that's more like it! Nice to meet you son!" Said Mrs.Intochar while giving smiling at me beautifully. "We'll come on inside I cooked dinner and was waiting for you, didn't know Kit would be bringing his friend but I cook a lot so that's better" As Kit's mom invite us inside.

"Oh no ma! Ming is going back to the city he will not spend the night here because he has class tomorrow" Kit replied to his mother. "Then why did you drag your friend here Kit! Your always too lazy to drive how is he gonna supposed to be back to the city proper now"

"I actually don't have any classes tomorrow Kit!" I answered, I lied I do have classes tomorrow but if this would mean that I can sleep here in Kit's home then screw my subjects. (Please don't hate me. I don't promote you guys skipping classes but for love I'll do it) 😂

"Perfect then! Stay the night here and tomorrow come with us to the rice fields let's have some picnic there" Kit's mom said.

"But mom. no!" Kit looks like acts like a kid right now who's playmates stolen his candies. So cute and adorable.

"No more buts let's go inside the food is waiting" I followed them and inside their house and was fascinated by it immediately. It's a simple house but very clean and elegant looking. Before I was able to enter the house Kit grab me away and we walk to the back of the house.

"Did you plan this?" He said.

"What? No what do you mean?" I answered not wanting to admit my sins. "Mingkwan I know you and I'm not falling for any of your tricks" he said while acting angry. "Oh! Come on! Sorry na khub! But atleast I get to spend more time with you or should I say more nights with you" I said while giving him a meaningful smile. "I hate you! I swear one of this days you will be the one who will fall for me!" He said. " I already did!" He was caught of guard by my answer.

I give him a smile and turn him around while pushing him towards the direction of the door "Now! Now! Let's just enjoy the delicious food that your mom cooks!" To my surprise he followed willingly.

Kit's POV

While eating...

I'm now sitting across the table starring at this handsome puppy together while waiting for my mom and dad to finished to prepare the food. Just when I thought that I've already see and known all of the tricks that this cheeky guy have, he always manage to pull of something new to get what he wanted! Someday! You'll be falling in my trap Mingkwan!

"Well you see, did you know that my brother is NRSB?" Gun suddenly starts speaking to Ming.

"Shut your mouth Gun or else" I told him

"You are the first friend that he brings home! He's more of a loner type of guy" He continues. Ming was just listening to my brother as he blabbers facts about me. "One time we went camping and he's to sissy to sleep in a tent" that's it I crumpled a piece of tissue and throw it at my brothers face. He face at me and give me an irritating teasing face "Make me stop then!" I instantly know what he meant. I immediately grab my wallet and give him a 1000 bath bank note and throw it at him. "Now you shut up your mouth" He smiled at me.

I was at ease finally, the combination of this guy and my brother drives me crazy.

Ming grabs his phone and give it to my brother. "Hey give me your social medias let's be friends and talk when there's no interventions" he said. "Don't you dare Gun or I'll take that back" i threaten my younger brother.

Ming hurriedly get his wallet and took out 3 pieces of 1000 banknote. I hit my forehead with my palm and accepted my defeat.

"Well sure my good friend! Ask my anytime you want and anything! Just remember everything comes with the right price" My brother said to him and looks at me " What? You know I love you but money is money hahah" they both laugh their ass out. I just sit there and I still can't believe my brother exchange me for 3000 bath.

That dinner actually went well. My parents mostly interviews Ming and almost forgot I was there. Ming on the other hand really knows how to sell himself, he's very courteous, he doesn't laugh too loud and he's very gentle. It's almost like I'm looking to a opposite version of himself during that dinner. While staring at him I remember what he said at the back of my house when I say one day he's falling for me. "I already did!" He said. I was really caught of guard by that. I wanted to asked so bad what he really means about that but I'm too scared to hear the answer. I myself didn't know what I feel towards him and there's no way I'll be the first one to admit. Wait don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I do have feelings for him. It's just that . Uhmmm I dunno why am I even trying to explain myself.

I admit seeing him being very close to my family makes me happy, him being here makes me happy, him coming with me and wanting to spend time with me makes me happy as well. Am I supposed to feel that with a friend? I don't know! Im really starting to have an headache thinking about this. Please, someone help me! See I don't even know whom I'm asking help to, this is starting getting out of hand. 😂

A.N : Hey! Another random update! Hope you'll like it! As I've said I'll update whenever I feel like to and I might change some part later since this new chapters are just free writing. I write what ever comes to my mind. Hope you're all doing great! Bye! ✌️


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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