Chapter 4: Drunken Puppy & Tipsy Kitty

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Kit's POV

We left the school and start to go to the place where the party will be held, Ming is the one who was giving me directions since the party will be at the house of a guy named Bright who lives in Wanderclyf which is 3 towns away from University. So it's gonna be a long ride then, I bet we will reach there by 6 or 7 pm considering the rush hour. He open my stereo and connect his phone and play some music. See how he was comfortable! He didn't even have to ask permission 😔😂

"What type of music do you like? " He ask me.
"Well, i don't have a specific taste when it comes to music! But I guess I like to listen to mellow music right now". I answered him.

He then play the first song. I try to understand the song while driving, The singer is actually good but what really got me into it was the lyrics of the song.

"I know I've just know you for a while, So I don't understand the reason why, You're the one who makes me smile, You're the one I think at night, Wish I could tell you my secret, Wish my heart heart could still keep it in it's pocket, Cause all I know, right here in my heart, my love for you started to grow"

It was such a nice song! but one thing I noticed was this talkative puppy beside me suddenly become quite.

"Affected that much? " I looked at him.

"What? Me?! Nooooo! haha what are you talking about Kitty" He stutter while saying that.

"Like the hell I was born yesterday!" I laughed at him. "Didn't expect that a talkative puppy like you will be shut up by a song!" 😂😂

"Well, it's just .... Nevermind! Let's go faster I'm really hungry nah!" ..

"Ok! Ok! Just rest while I'm driving"

He rested his head on his seat but he turned his face on my side. I could feel that he's starring at me but I don't want to assume things. He suddenly pinch me lightly on the face.

"Stop teasing me Ming! I'm driving!" I told him in a normal tone.

"How could you be always cute and adorable Kit! 🤗 I always loose my cool when it comes to you" he said the second line in a whispering tone.

"What? didn't here the last one?!"

"Don't mind me Kit! Haha i just need to charge my self! Can I?"

I don't understand what he is saying at all 😂 Why am I so dumb! Haha I just nodded to him and give him a smile. He unfastened his seat belt and lean his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you nah Kit! I hope that we could be like this always " You could sense that he is really tired.

"Like what? " I ask him.

"Like this! Always together! Always happy! Always ready to support each other! You always pamper me in what i like. Always ................ like Best Friend" He release a long sigh after that.

"Sure! Always Best Friends!" I touch his face gently with my hands. I look at the rear mirror and see that his eyes were closed but he is smiling. 😊 I let him stay like that for a while.

"Hey my shoulder will sore! and we will be captured by the cops so fasten your seatbelt Ming! " I tell him. to my surprise he quietly obeyed on what I want him to do.

We arrived at the house of Bright, Ming seems a little off maybe he's just really tired.

"Hey you ok?" i ask him cause I'm a bit worried.
"Yeah! I'm ok. Maybe I'm just a little tired! Can I ask a favor?"
"Yeah! What?"
"Do not leave me! I mean do not leave early"  He gave me a smile.
"Ok! But the moment that I ask you to go home you'll come with me!" I told him.

MingKit "Wake Up Call"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora