Chapter 2: Start of Great things

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Kit's POV

I sit on the vacant sit in the last row because it is the only chair available. It is actually a good spot because a clear window beside me shows a beautiful view of the campus vicinity, I can wander sometimes without being caught because it is a blind spot in the view of the teachers table. The class starts and the first subject is Mathematics! damn! I really hate this subject but since the topic for today was functions and I already learned them from my previous school I didn't listen to what my teacher was discussing about.

I was on the verge of my paranoia while watching these athletes train on the field when i suddenly realized that all of my classmates were looking at me,

"Mrs. Reyes is asking you a question!", Said Ming who was suddenly sitting beside me. When was this guy sat beside me? I remember that he is not the student sitting here a while ago.

"Maam can you please repeat the question? We can barely here it from here!" Said Ming as he try to make an excuse about the delay.

"What do you call to a function with a 5th degree? " said mrs. Reyes.

I try to search and think deeply on my mind for the answer in that question. I was caught on shock that's why I can think of an answer and besides it's mathematics! "God please send an angel!" I said to myself.

Suddenly I saw a paper on the top of my desk! There was a word written there "Quintic Function". I saw Ming smiles at me with his shinning glimmering eyes!

"It's Quintic Function maam" I answered with a nervous tone. "Very good Kit! " said mrs. Reyes. Shoooo! I almost embarrassed my self in front of the whole class on my first day in my new school. 😂

I sit down and face my savior who was know looking at me with a huge smile on his face. "Thank you so much Ming! 😊

"Well I guess God answer your prayer to send you an angel!" 😉 Then he wink! I was shookt! Was I thinking out loud! "Who? You? An angel? I don't think so! " I answered and look him in the eye then I smile. He suddenly cup my face with his hands and give me a smile where all girls would have a jaw drop "Well P'! I would change your mind for sure! Just give me sometime! 😘"

My world stop! I felt nostalgic AF! 😂 I can't even move my body to show a resistance on what he was doing. The bell ring and then I woke up on my day dream, I slap his hands to take it away on my face " You wish! Let's see if you're truly an Angel mr. Captain Ball " I said to him while I'm packing my things on my bag. I was about to leave the room when Ming called my name.

"P Kit! You hungry? Come with us let's eat!" He ask. 😉

I saw some guys beside Ming, maybe they are his squad. " I'm not hungry yet! but thanks anyway! " I answered. "Ok khrub! If you need anything just ask me P! After all you're new in this school I want you to be at home" 😊 "Btw P'! These were my friends! This is Wayo! And Forth! They are also members of the Volleyball team"

They all wai at me and smile. "Hello! Please be friendly with me! " 😊 I smile and wai again as a sign of my goodbye! I was about to walk out when Ming calls me again! "Kit!" I turn around to look at him. " Take Care and don't embarrassed your self on the campus! Your Angel will be busy eating in the canteen for a while! 😉 " He said as he smiles and go out on the other door. I was left in the room, I felt warm haha There's something about Ming makes me feel at ease.

I walk out my room and go to my car. I was planning to have lunch on a fast food chain and grab some coffee afterwards because I don't have afternoon class because of the General Assembly at 3 pm. I spend the whole driving time thinking about my experience on my first day, specially about the guy who suddenly became A self proclaimed Angel according to him! I smile and say to my self "Well! It's gonna be a long interesting journey for this year! " 😊

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