Chapter 4 - Jericho

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Jericho hadn't the slightest clue why his underboss was in front of him and interrupting his coffee break, but he decided to brush off the idea entirely. His office was the same cramped space as always, only this time, he had company to share the isolation with. And the company came in form of Asa Bardot. He joined years ago, together with Mr. Spade. They found each other in the lowest of their lives and decided to do something new together. Jericho wished he and his best friend had the same fate. His eyes flickered over to the photo on his desk, but Asa's voice brought him out of any potential thoughts he might have had.

"Sir, we have bigger problems than Miss Evermore."

Jericho blamed Asa knowing her name on Theo, knitting his fingers together and leaning forward. "And what paperwork will I have to fill out today, Mr. Bardot? Did June finally take his revenge on Ivan?"

"I wish it were that simple, sir," Asa said, pausing to shift in his seat and dab the sweat on his neck with the palm of his hand. "A member of the High Council has been assassinated."

His cells froze with his mind, and his pupils dilated until his vision blurred, the room becoming a mess of shapes and lines mending together to become mush. "What did you just say?"

"A member of the High Council was assassinated. We don't know who exactly, but the odds are they'll be coming to New York to appoint a new member. Mr. Novak, I believe they may choose you."

"In what universe does a Council member get assassinated, and in what universe does that lead me to being next in line?"

"You've been leader for five years, sir. One of the most successful at that. The odds are it'll go to either you or Miss Evermore. Two of the most prestigious leaders in recent history. Why wouldn't they hire you?"

Jericho rubbed his fingers on his temple, his thoughts a mess of cartwheels and front flips. "Do you know when they're going to visit?"

"A representative is coming soon, sir. Eladio, I believe his name is. I can gather a team and do more research, if you'd like."

"No need," Jericho said, shifting his weight onto his elbows as he pressed them on the desk. "The first thing a right hand does when they're appointed is do research on the High Council. I'll ask Theo for any information he may have. Thank you for telling me, Asa."

Mr. Bardot dipped his head. "Am I dismissed, sir?"

Jericho considered saying yes. The word stepped on the tip of his tongue, flattening it against the bottom of his mouth. Yet the sentence he said was different from anything that was happening in his mind.

"Your friendship with Theo. Is it strong?"

Asa's dark skin took a pale Jericho didn't know was possible. For a split moment, Jericho forgot he was the leader of one of the most dangerous mafias worldwide. He forgot that Asa's mind was wondering if Jericho was testing him rather than asking a simple question. Jericho should have reassured him he wasn't asking as a test. It was supposed to be genuine curiosity. But like the word 'yes', it disappeared from his body entirely.

"Yes sir. Very."


At Asa's head tilt, Jericho took the picture off his desk and brought it closer. He didn't allow Asa to see, but he didn't need to. He got the idea as soon as Jericho brushed his fingers down the sides of it, cleaning the dust off and letting the colors come back to the image.

"I found him," Asa said, and his voice hitched for a moment too long. "His house was burning, and I pulled him out."

"You could've kept walking."

"I didn't."

"Do you wish you did?"

"Not for a moment," he replied. His eyebrows were raised, but it wasn't from concern or confusion. Actually, Jericho had no idea what the action was for. "He saved me, sir."

"Mr. Spade was in a burning house. You pulled him out of it. Wouldn't you say it was the other way around?"

Asa's hands tightened around themselves until his knuckles brightened. "No."

Jericho set the frame down, dusting it off one last time before running a hand through his hair and scanning the rest of his abode. It was more like his home than his bedroom was. But it was just as empty as his bedroom. The only thing that drew his attention anymore was the portrait of the leader prior to Jericho. The one who was brutally murdered years ago. And it was Jericho's fault. Everything always was.

"You're dismissed."

Mr. Bardot thanked him and left, leaving the door open when Jericho requested so. He stood and waited a moment, then departed his office after. Asa was already gone, Jericho gave him a head start. He tied his hands behind his back and bowed to his guards. They returned it. And after, Jericho sauntered down the narrow corridors with tearing wallpapers and fading cream shades.

There was a spade design sewn into the carpet, and it oozed a sense of royalty. That was far from what they were. Unmei was his mafia, and he was fine with that, but sometimes it felt like he was going through the motions. Ever since he lost the only thing he cared about, leading seemed purposeless. Ironic, right? Jericho threw away everything for power. Then everything threw him away once he got it. It was a decision he had to live with. He wished he could say he had.

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