Chapter 60 - Ariel

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Two weeks after the High Council fell, Ariel was with Ivan at a cabin in New York.

It was the perfect size for them; not too elegant, not too plain. Wooden logs were shaped in cylinders, making up the foundation of the single story cabin. There were no decorations outside, but Ariel was sure they could change that in due time. A cobblestone path went up to the stairs that matched the design the rest of the building had.

Ariel planned it out in her head. A garden of white roses out front, a kitchen with plenty of baking supplies, a fancy sports car she could drive to school every day. Well, when she turned 16. They used a taxi to get to the cabin, but they'd need to learn how to get around at some point. Ivan was planning on ordering groceries instead of going shopping for them. Ariel offered to drive. Ivan laughed at her.

So, in secret, she'd try to learn to drive. Ivan had assets all over the city, with a little research, she could find one of his garages. Or she could straight up ask. She'd use Jimin's lessons and figure out how to become a wonderful driver.

Ivan turned his head back and forth as if taking in the scenery, but the bandages on his face said otherwise. "Looks nice."

"Is it too soon to make fun of your blindness?"

"Nah, joke away, kid," he replied, her placing her hands on her hips.

"Want me to describe the cabin?" He gave her a nod, her snickering to herself. "Well, it has four walls and a roof."

"You're such an asshole." She laughed, him doing the same. Ivan, like her, was hurting from the loss of Jimin. It felt like a weight they'd carry around for the rest of their lives. However, she pushed past her thoughts and took Ivan's hand, taking him toward the basil-colored entrance, guiding him up the two stairs.

The front porch was homey, and it smelled like the wood was cut just this morning. She took a second to inhale it, smiling after. Then, she went inside using the key Ivan gave her, and the front room was spacious. She could do cartwheels in the room if she so pleased. It was wide, a couch, a fireplace, and a flat screen TV in the front area.

There was a shoe rack on her right, her kicking her shoes off and putting them there, Ivan doing the same. To her left was the entrance to the kitchen, the archway leading to the area tall enough that Ivan would have to jump to touch the top.

Since they were starving after a long journey, they decided to go into the kitchen and ignore the rest of the cabin. The bedrooms and bathroom were all the way on the right, down the hall, but she was too lazy to go that way yet. She cherished the front section, envisioning herself staying up late watching TV while Ivan scolded her for staying up past her bedtime.

She adored Ivan, she really did, but she wished Jimin was the one who'd scold her. The one who'd make her breakfast every morning and teach her how to drive more. However, she couldn't let the past stop her from enjoying her present. She did her best to keep going, but it was near impossible. What did she have to do to stop the memories? What could she do?

Not long ago, they said their goodbyes to Jericho, Kayden, and Charlotte and went their separate ways. Ivan volunteered to take Ariel, but Ariel was more than okay with that. As much as she liked Charlotte, she preferred to stay with Ivan. It worked better for both of them. They could help each other. No one could ever replace Jimin as her father figure, but Ivan could be Uncle Ivan.

The kitchen was smaller than the front, but it had enough space for a handful of people. There were tiled floors, a wooden table that had 4 chairs, a dark fridge with a water dispenser, a dishwasher, and all the normal kitchen supplies. She searched the cupboards that matched the hue of the light-wood table, seeing there was not much in there.

"Are we broke?" Ariel asked.

"No, I just don't come up to my cabin that much. There should be something around here though, or I can order food, up to you."

Ariel decided to keep searching, loving the window that was above the sink, sunlight peeking through and causing the palette of the kitchen to go up a few shades. All the shadows were drowned out, the room a sea of light that had Ariel grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, you have canned soup," she said, seeing the container. It was a beef soup Ariel had never heard of, but it'd due. She took two of them, grabbing two pots from the cupboard under the stove, then she got to work. She poured the components into the pot, stirring with a small spoon since she couldn't find any large ones.

She helped Ivan sit at the table, pushing his chair out and in for him and making sure he had utensils for when it was time to eat. It took quite a few minutes, but she finished and served the dish to both of them, each of them having their own portions.

"Thanks, kid. You're kinder than I thought," Ivan said with a chuckle.

"You're welcome. Careful, it's hot."

He hummed and dug in, the two of them eating together. She savored the flavor of the beef. Ariel wasn't used to fancy food contrary to what the others thought. This soup was enough to hold her over for the rest of the day, maybe even the night too. It was chunky, bits of beef placed inside a thick broth that had her mouth watering. It smelled of ground beef, and a hint of pork too.

"Do you want to go to school?" Ivan asked, Ariel peeking up at him and swallowing her bite.

"I'd love to. I want to buy a bunch of books. Oh, and can I get a phone? I saw a TV, so I assume we have internet here."

"Just because we're in the woods doesn't mean we don't have internet. We're not savages. Sure, you can get a phone. I don't see why not."

"You can't see at all," Ariel replied.

"Ariel, I'll ground you," he said with a chortle, her joining in on his amusement.

They were done a minute later, Ariel cleaning up for the two of them. She wasn't the best at cleaning, but she was glad she had an opportunity to learn. Some days the cleaning would get tough and stressful, so she tried to enjoy the cheerful mood she was in while it lasted. It was what Jimin fought for. For her to find peace.

Maybe that was it. Her peace. She stopped the water and placed the plate down in the sink. Cleaning came second, finding herself came first. Ivan tilted his head up at the sudden lack of noise, but she hoped he found consolation in the birds chirping outside.

"Ariel? What is it?" he asked, her leaning against the counter to stare at him. Although he could never meet her eyes, he made sure to face her. He was off by a few inches, so she cleared her throat, allowing him to adjust accordingly.

"I lied to you, Ivan. I'm sorry." At his eyebrow raise, she clutched the surface behind her. "My last name. I have one."

"What is it?"

Despite her speaking first, the question caught her off guard. It made her stumble over her own words for a beat, her mind showing flashes of the man who gave her the happiest memories of her life. The man she'd miss forever, but as he said when he told her about ghosts, it was comforting knowing there was someone waiting for her on the other side. Until then, Charlotte said to honor his memory. Ariel grinned.

"Seong. My name is Ariel Seong."

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