Chapter 12 - Jericho

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Running through the streets and alleyways felt like torture. It was embarrassing to rely on his greatest enemy for survival, but he had to admit they saved his life. If it weren't for Kayden and Jimin's quick thinking, Unmei and Charlotte would have panicked and got lost. Charlotte did her best to lead, but Jimin ended up taking over and leading them out of the greenhouse and out of public eye. The faster they got to safety, the better. Kayden was the one who set up the location, Jimin keeping everyone calm. As much as Jericho hated Kayden and Jimin, he had to admit they worked well together.

That led them to now. It was nightfall, the clouds Jericho adored feeling more like the universe laughing at him than a comfort he craved. They were strolling through the forest on the outskirts of New York City. Getting away from the city was the top priority, and the next one was making it to one of the numerous hideouts they had. There was one problem: Mr. Belmour had a record of their hideouts. That was because he was the best one to get hideouts from. Ivan single-handedly had the most power over them. But would he sell them out? Would he even have a choice?

The woods were large and wide, critters creeping up the trees and chirping at them as they passed. Light peeked through the clouds and leaves, but otherwise, the sky stayed hidden. The good news was that he felt isolated. The bad was that there was no turning back from the choice he made. Even several hours after he made it, he wasn't sure why he pulled the trigger.

Unlike the dozens, maybe hundreds, of deaths he had caused before, this one was unique to the rest. Jericho couldn't get the image out of his mind. Maybe that was because there was a kid with them, so Jericho felt more guilt than normal. But he knew that was because he had executed kids in the past. He vowed not to do it again ever since he got promoted to leader. Since then, he actually did keep his promise.

Jimin approached, leaving the kid in the back with Charlotte. Jericho was in the middle with Theo, Asa, and Kayden leading the charge. Jericho resisted the urge to snap at Charlotte's underboss, but he was quickly overpowered by the man's words.

"You're welcome," Jimin said, Jericho quirking a brow. "Oh you know, for saving your ass." Jimin glanced at Jericho's backside, snorting after. "Actually, it looks like that thing still needs some saving."

"We just ran for our lives, are walking to the unknown, and are being hunted by the entire Underworld and the High Council, but you're making jokes?"

"Well, if I was miserable about everything bad in life, I'd end up like you, Mr. Novak. Might as well make jokes and laugh, that way I don't get frown lines." He pointed to Jericho's face. "Speaking of which, I think you have some coming in-"

"How about we focus on our plan. Do you know how much farther the hideout is?" Jericho asked.

"You expect me to know that?"

"No, but I was expecting you to be serious. Right hands are supposed to be quiet and calm. Just look at Theo and how he's helping Kayden lead."

"I'm not the average right hand," Jimin replied, stepping on a particularly large ant and grunting in the process.

"Obviously. I'd say you're below average."

Jimin almost gave him a harsh nudge, but he stopped his elbow halfway and dropped it, nearly dropping his head in the process. He let out a small whistle and grinned. "Well, at least I'm not below average in other areas."

"Like your height?" Jericho asked, motioning to the man's thin and frail frame with a smirk. Jimin couldn't be any taller - sorry, shorter - than 5'8. Not that Jericho was much more than that, but he still got a scoff from Jimin that made him feel accomplished.

"Fuck off."

"We're almost there," Kayden said, interrupting them. "It's underground. Sorry guys, but it's only meant for one person. I hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor. My hideout, my bed."

Charlotte took the kid up to the metal hatch planted in the middle of the ground. It was covered by a pile of leaves and branches, but there were plenty of other leaves that made the random clump feel more natural. It wasn't perfect, but it worked for what they needed.

"What are the odds we're found?" Jericho asked as Theo and Asa lifted the hatch using Kayden's instructions.

"Slim, but not none. I have no hideouts Mr. Belmour doesn't know about. I trust him, but not enough to trust he won't sell us out to the Council. None of you have phones, right?" Kayden asked, and everyone confirmed no technology was with them. "Good. We'll have to get in touch with Mr. Belmour so we can set up food deliveries, but let's calm down a bit first. Like I said, this was meant for one person. The forest is pretty safe, so you can go to the surface for fresh air. We'll need to set up a watch schedule. Two people. I'm sorry, I know we really don't trust each other, but we're going to have to."

"The kid isn't going on watch," Jimin said, the young one glaring at him.

"I have a name, dickface."

"I'll admit, I've never been called that before," he replied, spinning on his heel to face her. "And quite frankly, I don't care. You're nothing more than someone who got dragged into this."

"Gee, wonder who's fault that is."

Charlotte stepped forward and separated the two. "Jimin has a point. Ariel got dragged into this, and I trust her less than I trust Jericho." Okay, ouch. "Putting her on watch is a terrible idea," she said.

"Fair enough, I was thinking we stick to the adults anyway," Kayden said with a shrug, going first inside the bunker.

Next was Theo, and they alternated between the mafias. One member of Hakai, then one of Unmei. They'd need a new name now since they were combined. Not that it mattered much, they'd likely die in the next month. If they were lucky, they'd last two.

Jericho was last, closing the hatch and sliding down the ladder that led to the bunker. It was definitely intended for one person. There were only two rooms. One was for the kitchen, if one could even call it that. Both rooms were circular with a narrow passageway connecting the two. That was where the ladder was, propped up against the left side of the hallway.

Charlotte was already in the 'bedroom', her fingers tracing over the mattress that looked like cardboard. She winced and pulled back the off-white sheets and covers, the singular pillow covered in grime.

"Yeaaah, Kayden, the bed's all yours," she said, backing away and letting her feet tap against the metal ground. Jericho came over to the bedroom side while Jimin investigated the kitchen with Ariel bothering him.

The round shape of the room was daunting, almost like an optical illusion. It made Jericho feel like he shrunk. It didn't help that it was a tint of canary. That wasn't because they were painted that way; it was from the years of rot and the poorly applied wallpaper withering and peeling off.

"I've seen worse, but not by much," Asa said, searching the floor for anything that could help.

"I don't know," Jimin said, coming over to join the others. "I feel like Jericho's bedroom looks worse."

"I hate you," Jericho replied.

"We should work on the schedule and slow down. I know we're all tired and still processing what the hell just happened, but we can all talk later. Solve this first, cope after," Kayden said.

Charlotte pointed at Jimin. "That mostly means you. I know you joke to blow off steam, but please shut up before I put a muzzle on you."

"I'm in love with you," Jericho said to her, and she shrugged.

Jimin only snorted. "You've gagged me plenty of times before." She flipped him off and went over to Kayden to help him search the rest of the bunker.

Jericho took the chance to go into the kitchen area. The kid, Ariel her name was, was still raiding the cabinets. There was a fridge that almost certainly didn't work. When he opened it, he got his answer. No lights were on, and there was no food inside. At least there were cabinets with leftovers from whenever Kayden gave it a half-hearted stock. It was enough for one person to last for a month or so, but not more than that. And especially not 7 people.

There was a counter built against the wall, jutting out and making the minimal space even tinier. It was dusty and the same shade as the disgusting walls. The cabinets were laying above it, and he rifled through them and saw canned food and plenty of bags of chips on the top shelf. Ariel eyed them, Jericho sighing before handing her one.

Her eyes expanded, but she took the bag and held it against her chest. "I... Thank you," she said, and Jericho nodded, shutting the door and going over to the stove. Well, it was more like an individual burner that probably didn't have any fuel. He checked it, and it didn't. Of course.

The rest of the kitchen was nothing special. A sink near the fridge that actually did have water despite how rusted it sounded when it got turned on, floors that had leaves dragged in from the group, and a half-broken light that didn't work. However, there were candles that Kayden was lighting, placing them on the floors so they could see. There were plenty of candles, so at least they had enough light. For now.

After Kayden was done with the candles, he approached Jericho, who stiffened. "I know you don't want to talk to me, but I found a notepad under the bed. Theo had a pen, so we're writing down the watch schedule. I'll let you have first pick since you were kind of dragged into this," he said.

Jericho hated the sound of Kayden's voice. He hated how familiar yet foreign it was. Although he knew the watch list was imperative to their survival, he couldn't find the words to say what he wanted. Instead, he stared, his eyes a lost shell of what they used to be.

"I know," Kayden whispered, his head shaking by a near unnoticeable amount. "We can talk later, but we need to get this done first." As much as he hated to admit it, Kayden had a point.

Jericho finally softened and let out a breath. "Then let's get this done."


Much to his dismay, Jericho's watch partner alternated depending on the day. He took the 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., which meant he rotated between 4 partners. Theo for 2 days a week, Asa for 2, Jimin for 2, and Charlotte for 1. Unlike the others, he didn't make a complex schedule where he took different days. Charlotte changed her watch time literally every day, which is why they only worked together for 1 day. The others were similar. Jericho kept it simple and chose the same time for all 7 days of the week. That meant he had to sit and talk to Jimin for 3 hours. But that was 2 days from then. For now, he was stuck with Asa. He wasn't sure which was worse.

It was 20 minutes into their shift, and neither of them said a word while they sat outside the bunker. Asa had his watch on, and he was checking it every few seconds as if the shift would magically end the next time he checked it.

Jericho's choice and the massive shift in his world finally hit his system. The others were feeling it too. Even Jimin shut his mouth and stopped joking, retreating to the kitchen to sleep, which was away from the others.

The Underworld was hunting them, the High Council wanted them dead, Jericho didn't trust anyone anymore, and he was living in a confined space with Kayden. For some reason, that last thing was the worst of them all. He had been hunted before. Not to this extent, but he at least knew the guns were coming. Kayden had always been unpredictable. He left Jericho right before he rose to power. Jericho spent his whole life trying to get him and Kayden to a good, solid spot. A spot where they would rule together.

Kind of like what Asa and Theo wanted.

That was the main reason Jericho made the choice he did. He was terrified of being alone, and Kayden did that to him years ago. Jericho didn't want to inflict that pain on Theo and Asa, two people he wanted to still consider his friends. After the betrayal, he wasn't sure that was possible.

"I was a farmer," Asa said, chuckling after. "My mother wasn't around, and my father did his best to earn a stable income for us. Had to help out around the farm as soon as I could walk on my own. I didn't mind, though. Every once in a while, my dad got me a history book. Normally for my birthday, or for Christmas even though neither of us believed in that. Those history books were never anything fantastic, but they gave me an escape from reality for a while."

Asa tapped his watch, this time looking at the sticker planted on the side of it. "Maybe that's why I love these guys so much. I don't know, but what I do know is that I had to take care of the farm at only 19, when my father passed. He had a bunch of conditions but never bothered spending the money to treat them, so it was expected. Still hurt," Asa said, leaning back and not caring how much dirt got on his pants.

"How'd you get into the mafia then?" Jericho asked.

"I didn't have much purpose in life. I didn't go to school, so it's not like I had friends or a lover, not to mention no education to get a better job. To me, dying was a better option than living alone. That's what I did. I set fire to the farm and waited. But... someone rescued me. Theo. He could have kept walking, but he didn't. He didn't have a phone, so he couldn't call the fire department. Theo risked his life to pull me from that farm. No fear, just courage. We were both useless, no real job or friends, no lovers, no purpose. So we found a purpose in each other, got involved with admittedly the wrong people, and we wanted to make something for ourselves."

"I thought you said you saved Theo."

"I didn't want to seem weak in front of you, but I don't think it matters anymore. Theo and I wanted to build something together, I guess."

"Give each other protection," Jericho whispered, remembering the words he once told Kayden. The words saying that Jericho would protect them. Get them to a powerful position and never have to worry about being treated like dirt again. Theo and Asa were going through what Kayden and Jericho did. Only they actually stuck together.

It was like staring in a mirror, and Jericho had to avert his eyes. He blew out a stream of air, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. Asa's eyes were on the back of his head, but it took a few beats for him to speak again.

"I'm sorry, Jericho," he whispered, the words shattering Jericho practically to tears. He held them in, his eyes squeezed shut. His entire body quaked at the moisture hiding behind his lids, and it quaked more when Asa rubbed his shoulder. "We thought we were doing the right thing by giving us both what we wanted. You power, us building something new. I only wanted to make sure Theo and you were okay. I never meant for it to end up like this. I'm so sorry."

Jericho regained his composure and shifted back to meet Asa's frowning face. The crease his brows made had Jericho scooting closer. He mimicked what Asa just did, placing his hand on his shoulder and giving him what he hoped was a kind smile. The kindest one he could muster through the realization that his old life was over, and a new one was rapidly taking its place.

"I forgive you."

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