Chapter 56 - Ariel

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After attacking Charlotte, prying off the vent cover, and crawling around a metal tube for over 5 minutes, Ariel found herself curled up in a ball with a Dumbo plush tucked against her chest. Her eyes were shut as tears streamed down her face. Ever since it happened, all she wanted to do was sob and scream. She held back the screams for Charlotte's sake, but now, she had nothing to lose.

There were cameras around the entire compound. Thanks to that, there was a high chance someone was coming after her in the vents. It was a tight fit, and she had to squeeze to get through some parts, but it was wide enough that the female guards could get in and search for her. She had no time to stall.

Her mind was racing, going in circles as she rocked herself back and forth. If Jimin was there, he'd tell her to take deep breaths. Yeah, she tried that. It didn't work. It made her feel sick to her stomach, mostly because any reminder of Jimin brought her more tears than she had ever shed before.

For the first time in her life, she had a proper father figure. A man who guided her through her troubles, but also treated her like an adult. Sure, she wasn't one, but Jimin had went through the same childhood as her. He knew she was more mature than the average kid, and his actions reflected that.

Never would she have imagined she would get treated like an equal. That was exactly what Jimin did for her. He made her a cupcake for her birthday, listened to her feelings, was accepting of her no matter what state she was in. The best part was that he made her feel better about her fears. This entire situation was terrifying, and she was trembling at the very thought that she'd lose someone else, like Ivan. Ivan was growing on her, and losing him next would mean losing her sanity.

Her panic hadn't calmed down. Adrenaline drove its way through her veins until her eyesight went blurry. She didn't notice her hands were shaking, the Dumbo plush staring at her. Not knowing what else to do, she closed her eyes. Next, she thought about a memory of Jimin.


"What are you gonna make? We have like beans and soup, that's it," Ariel said, smiling as Jimin set the Dumbo plush on the counter and ran a hand through his dark locks. He checked the stove and was pleased to see it spark to life, him shrugging to answer her question.

"We Seong's improvise. It's what we're known for." He paused, going to one of the cupboards and searching through it. He found a tin of nuts, Ariel couldn't see what kind, and he ate one. After a wince, he offered it to her. She was so hungry she didn't care, her taking one and plopping it into her mouth.

She chewed and swallowed, grunting. "Yuck, these taste as dead as I want to be."

"Don't make jokes like that. Your life is precious."

"I'm a kid. Don't all kids want to die?" she asked.

Jimin went stiff, putting the tin back and closing the cupboard. He swiveled around and leaned his back against the counter, staring at Ariel from his position a few feet away from her. "Tell me you know your life is precious. Just... please tell me you do."

"I don't know, Jimin. I don't want to lie to you."

At that, he came over and sat next to her. There were a couple chairs set up near the counter, the same counter Ivan was when he was unconscious. It felt weird staying by Ivan's resting spot, but Ariel made sure to focus on the one in front of her.

"You have a future. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but we're fighting for you to get a chance at life. A chance you were robbed from the second you were born. It's not fair to you, and I'll do everything in my power to protect you. Do you trust me?" he asked, and one look into his eyes caused her to smile.

"I do, but that doesn't change how I feel."

Jimin let his gaze hit the ground, the kitchen calm and quiet. The rest of the pub was preoccupied with planning and doing whatever it was they did when they had downtime. Ariel's stomach grumbled, but Jimin didn't move to go back to cooking. Instead, he brought his stare to her.

"When I lost Aria, I felt like it wasn't real. Like any moment she'd wake up, and we'd be together again. I'd be able to hug her and tell her I was there to protect her. That daddy would always be there for her." He stopped himself, Ariel fighting back a sob at his confession. "I'd give anything to have one more second with her. Just one more. One second is all I need to tell her daddy loves her. That's..." He brushed a tear away, taking in a breath. "I've never been religious, but every night I pray that one day I'll be able to tell her I love her again. And every day for five years, even today, I've thought about taking a knife and killing myself."


"But I don't each time. I never have." He took her hand, their eyes staying locked on one another's. "Because life is precious. Even for a piece of shit like me. So please, Ari. Fight. If not for yourself, then for me."

She embraced him, Jimin hugging back and clinging onto her. It was like if he let her go, she'd fade to dust in his grasp. They stayed together, Ariel relishing in his comfort. Life was pointless to Ariel. Out of all the years she had lived, none of them stood out as 'good'. With Jimin, she felt like she had a purpose.

Like living was worth it.


She snapped herself back to reality, regaining her courage to continue through the vents. Her hands and knees were aching from the crawling she did, the plush in one hand while she slipped her pocket knife out and rested it in her other. There were voices, her peeking through the slits of the vents to see if there were any familiar faces. Guards, guards, and more guards passed by, her not giving up.

It took several minutes, but she heard Jericho's familiar voice. It sounded like he was panting, her going to the nearest exit. A hallway awaited her; it was identical to the one her and Charlotte were in not long ago. Slim, pillars against the walls, carpets laid out. There were muddy footprints on the ground, Jericho, Ivan, and Kayden there, Kayden still limping and leaning against Ivan.

Ariel was about to kick the cover, but there was gunfire. One bullet ricocheted off the side of the vent, Ariel falling back from the shock of it. Meanwhile, Jericho got hit in the hip, him falling over and yapping. Ariel waited for the hostiles to move past the vent, her kicking it down as soon as they moved. She crawled out, seeing a group of 5 waiting for her. Kayden got one, Ivan hitting a thigh shot on another. From his spot on the ground, Jericho shot and knocked down the one in front of Ariel.

Using her pocket knife, she came up behind one and went between his legs and stabbed, the man howling and falling over. The distraction gave them the time they needed to finish off the rest, Ariel blowing hair out of her face and watching as the others went to Jericho's aid.

Kayden ripped off a long piece of his shirt and wrapped it around the wound, tying it until Jericho told him to stop. Without Theo, they didn't have their medical expertise. For now, putting pressure on it would have to do. Ariel hoped adrenaline would be enough to mask the pain.

"Ariel, kid. You're okay," Jericho said, holding his injury.

Ivan lit up, Ariel going to him and giving him a hug from the side. "Charlotte went to go take care of something, I'm not sure where she is." She knew, but with cameras watching them, she didn't want to say it unless she whispered.

"And Jimin? Where's he?" Jericho asked. Right away, the memories came back. The blood on Ariel's hands was a mix of Jimin's and the stranger's she stabbed. Her eyes sunk with her posture, Jericho's face faltering. "Where is he, Ariel?" She mustered up all the remaining energy she had, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, Jericho. He's gone."

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