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"Hey love, What time did you get here? Sorry for being late" Xavier said sitting down at the table

He looked as good as ever.. his soft straight hair, Small nose, sharp linear eyes and His thin and soft lips. He was wearing a coat over a white long sleeved polo shirt, Wearing the watch i gifted him last week, he looked stunning. Like he always has, and always will.

"Not too long ago, don't worry. I Only just arrived a few minutes ago" i said as he kissed my cheek

"Just arrived yet you've almost finished your cup of coffee?" He asked whilst staring at my cup then sighed "I'm sorry I've made you wait.. Things didn't go as scheduled today so i got off of work a few minutes late.." he said while caressing my hand

He stared at me for a few minutes looking at my face like he was staring at a painting, I could almost feel my face get red as he smiled ever so gently while looking at me

"Did you try a new hairstyle?" He asked as he kissed the back of my hand

He was always like that, noticing even the smallest of details, From my half empty cup of coffee to the slightest change of hairstyle.. Always as attentive and sweet

"Yes, I just wanted to change it up a bit, but I didn't want to change too much to the point it wouldn't feel like me anymore. Do you like it? Does it suit me?" I asked while fixing my hair

He reached out his hand and carefully, lightly removed the strand of hair in front of my eyes "Love, any hairstyle would suit you, because you always look good" he gently smiled as he pulled his hand away from me

This feels nice, The sweet conversations, in a famous romantic cafe in paris, with the person i love the most treating me as if I'm the most beautiful person alive

" how i wish it could be like this forever" I whispered

But like all good things, all of it must come to an end..

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