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Lyne sat on the floor, placing Zeidan's head on her chest as she kept sobbing. Rubbing his head in circles and hoping he was okay. She tore a part of her dress, tears rolling down her cheeks and soiling her dress. She was sweating despite the cool air around.

Pressing the cloth on the sword wound, she got a reaction from Zeidan who coughed and looked like he had just woken up from consciousness.

"Zeidan? Zeidan!" She had never been so happy as she saw him open his eyes weakly.

"What has been going on, arrogant Queen?" Zeidan teased as he smiled, getting a light tap from Lyne.

But she doesn't care. All that mattered is this man in her arms.

"You scared me, Zeidan." She whispered.

"And you inspire me, Lyne." He placed a hand on her face, which he brought down to kiss her cheeks. Lyne chuckled and blushed slightly, not minding the blood smeared on her cheeks. Instead, she turned her face and kissed his lips in full. Zeidan tried holding back but she wasn't and she missed him with her emotions and all of her unspoken words were passed during this moment.

She felt him grab her head and pressed his lips on hers, totally taking control. His heart raced fast by the time their lips parted and she pushed him slightly in the chest.

"Ouch!" He winced and she quickly held his shoulder.

"I have a lot to tell you, Zeidan, but I want you to feel better before putting pressure on you."

"Why not now? Just say it." His eyes looked expectant but she was determined not to tell him until he was okay. She stood up and grabbed his arm while he groaned in pain.

"I'm sorry. Let's get help for you."
Zeidan nodded and in a minute, they were walking out, his arm swung around her neck and she held his waist for support. She sighed with contentment but the sigh soon turned into a groan when she went outside and saw her core enemy.

"Luana. It's nice to see you here." She called, rolling her eyes at her.
Luana rushed to them and grabbed his arm away from her neck caused which caused him to wince.

"What are you doing? Can't you see he is in pain?"

"He is in pain because of you. We have no business with you. Just get yourself ready to show up in court."
Lyne slowly let go as she remembered that they still have a brawl in court. She let her hand slowly slide from his waist but Zeidan grabbed it even though his eyes were locked with Luana's.

"The case is dismissed."

"What?" Lyne couldn't even believe her ears. She felt him squeeze her hand gently and at once she felt like hugging this man here and there. He was standing up for her again.

"I'll have the best lawyer defend Wikh in court, just to have time with her. It's been so cruel of me to think she can do better alone."

Disappointed and pained, Luana dropped his arm and she swallowed consecutively as she followed his other hand that was locked with hers. Her breathing had turned ragged and Lyne felt high at this point.

"She deserved to be alone the moment she stood up for someone whose mission is to destroy the city. Why are you suddenly defending her?!" She yelled and Lyne could swear she saw a glint of a tear in her eyes.

"I am not defending anyone. I just don't want anything coming between us. You can still go on with the case if you want to. As for me, I'll worry about her before anyone else." He smiled down at her and she smiled back. His face held a beautiful sight and she immediately felt the urge to touch this man everywhere, to kiss him and stay in his embrace till dawn.

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