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The papers were scattered across the table and the room and on the chair meant for guests, Gillian Smart sat down there, wrapping her arms around herself and sniffling. It was lunchtime for every staff but she dared not move an inch. Not when Lyne and Zeidan were still busy solving the death of the former pharmacist, Samantha. The staff had been informed not to allow anyone into the office until they were done and for the past three hours or more, they had been inside the office, searching for shreds of evidence or footage that might reveal the face of the woman who had brought the jewelry into the company.

"I don't even know why she came here in the first place."

"You don't? Zeidan, she obviously came here to kill you."

"But I wasn't here at that time that she came, was I?" He looked up at Gillian who was just there staring into space. "Gillian?"

She looked up at him, her shirt and hair rumpled.

"When the woman came in, was I in the office?"

"Well, she came around when you were in the office and we spoke for a while. She had a mask on, so I couldn't make out her face but she had a feminine voice. She asked me to tell her where you were and knowing that she might want to kill you, I led her to Samantha, your friend. I never thought she would kill the innocent woman." She shook her head. "I...asked her to give me something to trade the information for and she gave me a jewelry. She hesitated for a while though like she had just parted with something of the same value. Probably a second pair but she gave me anyways because I asked and since then, I have been behaving strangely."

"Explains why you didn't want to part with it when I saw it fly from your neck," Lyne commented softly.

"You said she hesitated about giving you the Kryst. I'm thinking Tina didn't see the Kryst on the floor." Zeidan rose from the chair, his eyes closed shut at what he had just discovered. "Tina traded the Kryst for something as well."

Lyne looked up at him, in his white shirt opened at the chest, his tie hanging loosely around his neck and the hem of his shirt not tucked into his pants as he had done before. He still looked sexy with his rumpled brown hair and his tired face made him look like a vulnerable man in need of her care. Beads of sweat filled his forehead and stubbles of beards laced his jaws, making her blood boil as if looking at him and not touching him was a crime. However, what she should be worried about right now is finding out why Tina had the other pair of jewelry and not getting aroused by the sight of her husband.

"Maybe...what did you think Tina could give the woman in exchange for the Kryst?"

"We'll call the woman Mysterio. What do you think Lyne?"

"Mysterio sounds more masculine. Let's call her mysteria." They both mused over what the woman would be called while Gillian watched them both and after a while, she found herself smiling and extremely happy for them.

"Anything you say, darling." He smiled down at Lyne. "I think Mysteria sounds cool." Her gaze caught his. Her heart leaped, and she knew she had nothing to fear. She placed her hand in his, and he pulled her to her feet and into his arms. For an instant, she could do nothing but stare up into his brown eyes. Did a thousand unsaid words pass between them at the moment? Or did she just wish it did?

"Ahem!" Gillian cleared her throat to snap them back into reality. "I think we still have a murder to solve."

"Yeah. You're right. A murder to solve." Zeidan stammered and went to where the books were stacked.

"There can only be three reasons why Tina would have the Kryst. Maybe she indeed found the Kryst on the floor, or she stole it or..." Lyne paused only to look at Zeidan. "Maybe she saw her face and promised to keep quiet about it only if she can get the Kryst in return."

He stood up and made for the telephone, calling the staff downstairs. It rang for a while and it was an indication that most of them had gone for lunch. At last, someone picked up and it was a male.

"Palm company. Second floor."

"Hey, I need you to find a certain teenager whose parents have bought artifacts from us before. I don't know how you can do it but..." Lyne grabbed the phone from him and banged it on the table.

"There are other ways to fish her out. One of which is the check you promised her. She'll definitely come back for it. She looks like the kind of kid you can get with prizes." Lyne knew Zeidan was wondering how she could tell but as long as she still has her Wolf, nothing was supposed to surprise him.
"But first, we need to find out ways to trigger the feelings of Mysteria. By using a bait."

"A bait?" Zeidan asked.

"Yes. Just like Gillian used Samantha. I'd suggest we use someone closer to you just like her."

His eyes when they looked up into hers were glassy, hurt, and hesitating. She ran to him and placed her hands on his face, trying to be supportive.

"Look, Zeidan, it's all for our own good. For the good of your people, remember? And besides, we will be there for Dan this time, unlike Sam. We just need to do that to fish out Mysteria and everything will be fine. I promise."

He still looked into her eyes and after a while nodded in agreement. She smiled at him and dropped a kiss on his forehead, also mouthing a 'thank you at him.

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