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Chloe's heart skipped a beat when she heard footsteps approaching the broken room inside the temple. The old rusty book in her hand held a lot about the questions she had been asking herself and until she reaches the end, dropping it wasn't part of her plan. So, Maya had lived about four hundred years ago? No wonder she was skilled and fast.

"You shouldn't have seen that." Came the voice behind her and she turned to look at the cloaked figure, that left open just the purple eyes.

"I shouldn't have seen what?" She asked back, her face determined. "You used to live around four hundred years ago."

"Four hundred? Felt like thousands of years in my coffin."

"What do you mean?" Chloe sized the other woman up with her eyes.

"It's more than you can ever comprehend, Chloe." Saying her name that way kind of shocked her but there had been no definite reason why Maya called her Master as well.

"Make me understand."

"Well, you haven't completed the book then. If you're still asking me questions like that." Her gaze fell on the book in Chloe's hands and with force, the book left her grip and floated towards Maya.

"You're right. I have reached the part where Roderigo lost the Onyx. Does that mean there's more to the history of how the Onyx got to the surface? And it didn't belong to the twelve brothers?"

"You see, after Roderigo and I mated, I had a baby for him. But before we knew it, he discovered the Onyx had been stolen by one of the twelve brothers. The chief asked if he had any evidence to claim the treasure but he couldn't provide any. I asked to stand as a witness but he said it was too risky for me to handle. He took up the load himself. But he lost the battle." Despite the pain evident in those pair of purple eyes, she chuckled. "He lost to the twelve brothers and later, my parents found out I was pregnant but they couldn't let Roderigo father it. He was tried and sentenced to be executed. He begged for life. He begged that even if he will be killed, they should let him prevent the disaster first. But they all...they called him crazy and said the disaster was irreversible. He was killed, hung, and disgraced amongst the underground Vampires. The next day, I gave birth to the cutest boy. Looked just like him. Dark hair and dark eyes but not a dark soul."
Her voice was getting shaky but Chloe couldn't ask her to stop. Not when she had now gotten the opportunity to seek the truth.

"So, what happened?"

"I had three missions. To seek revenge, to protect my son, and to try and avert the volcano. However, today, I haven't really done any of them. I went to Mother earth and asked her to preserve my son. She promised to do that only if I agree to stay confined in the coffin. The day I get out is the day my son dies. She couldn't avert the volcano. And I couldn't seek revenge because I was locked up in a goddamned coffin."

"How does that sum up and explain your servitude to me?"

Maya looked at her, her brows furrowed.
"You think I'm serving you?" Chloe nodded. "Well, I'm only protecting you. Because before my son's death, every time he came by the temple, he always prayed that you were protected. I saw his desire and I knew in my heart that was what he wanted. When I was let out, he was eaten by a Wolf who mistook him for their enemy. I was furious and so I killed the one who took my son away."

There was silence and Chloe decided to speak again. "Still doesn't explain your loyalty to me."

"Well," Maya smiled painfully. "You're my son's wife, so..."

Chloe's face turned pale as if she had just seen a ghost.
"I am your...how's that even..." She grabbed the stone behind her for support as she thought of her husband. Tall, broad-chested, courageous, and patriotic. He had served Vampire city his whole life. So, his mother had been protecting her all this while.

"But you were helping me. Why?"

"As I said, I had three missions. To seek revenge, avert the disaster, and protect my son. Unfortunately, I failed woefully at these missions. So, I created another one. Similar to the former but better. To take back the Onyx, kill the woman who killed my son, and protect you, my son's wife."

Chloe looked at the woman before her and she sucked in her breath, figuring out everything that had just happened. She had been married to an underground vampire all this while and his mother was four hundred years old. Four hundred freaking years old.

"So, what do you propose we do?" She asked but Maya walked past her into the building.

"You can leave."
It was unexpected but the best they can do is to clear up the mess right now. The bad memories that telling the story brought to Maya and the shocking realization of the truth for Chloe.
She walked out of the building, her hand wrapped around her sword. Although she now knows why Maya had been hovering over her, what about her sister? She must know what happened since she had been staying in the temple all those years. But she had been locked up in the coffin. How was she supposed to know?

She exhaled and climbed her horse. One day. Maybe one day, she will find out about everything. And the good news is, that she is making progress.

"Hiya!" She propelled forward as the black horse ran through the forest, her cloak flowing behind her.

The sun was still high in the sky as it was noon and it burned her body so hard she regretted coming out in broad daylight. Or maybe she wasn't affected by the sunlight but by what she had just discovered. However, something more shocking faced her when she reached the palace.

Luana's legs were placed on an animal with stripes and whiskers. She couldn't miss the feature of a Werecat. But how had Luana taken a hold of them? Indeed she was serious when she said the battle line had just been drawn. So much for trying to be the Queen.

"Luana." She called as she unmounted the horse and walked towards them.

"Leader of the Werecats spies. Looks like you haven't been doing a great job after all."

"Say all you want, Luana. Zeidan will never still accept you. You'll only be used. Wisen up and join Shelbrooke. He alone can give you what you want. A life of royalty."

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